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Auto Trade Confirmation

Every time you make a trade on the Movie Market® you will be taken to a confirmation screen asking you to verify that the transaction is what you intended. You can bypass this screen if you wish, though we note that many experienced Traders retain this option to prevent making mistakes.

To bypass the confirmation process put a check in the box reading Auto Trade Confirmation on the Account Settings page, which you can reach by following the My Settings link on the top of every page.

Resetting Your Account

When you join the Hollywood Stock Exchange®, you are given an account with two million Hollywood Dollars®. You also have the option of resetting your individual portfolios one time. Why would you do this? Well, sometimes you make the wrong pick and that means you lose Hollywood Dollars. So if you're Movie Market portfolio goes below two million Hollywood Dollars, for example, it may be wise to reset it back to two million and start from scratch. Unlike the real stock exchange, HSX realizes that sometimes people need a "do over" and we are happy to provide one. But remember, you can only do this once per season, so only use this option when you really need it.

Deleting Your Account

Circumstances change in life and we understand that this sometimes means a parting of the ways. We don't want you to go, but if you wish to delete your account, you can do so from the Account Settings page, which you can reach by following the My Settings link on the top of every page.

Choose wisely! Once this is done your account is permanently deleted and we cannot restore it for you.

Changing Your Email

You can change the email address that is attached to your account on the Account Settings page, which you can reach by following the My Settings link on the top of every page.


Help & All About HSX

Learn more about trading on the Exchange and HSX by exploring the links below.

Tow (TOW) 50000 6.03 (-0.02)          Dreams (DREMS) 50000 4.48 (-0.01)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 150000 10.11 (+0.65)          The Instigators (NSTGT) 50000 14.13 (+0.17)          Calamity Hustle (CLMTY) 50000 55.60 (+1.35)          Drop (DROP) 150000 24.24 (+0.82)          Return to Silent Hill (SHIL3) 150000 12.04 (+0.61)          The Movie Critic (TMOVC) 100000 29.73 (-0.06)          Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy (BJON4) 150000 8.28 (+0.03)          Untitled Ryan Coogler Event Movi (URCEM) 10000 65.56 (+0.06)          Eternal Return (ETRTN) 30000 10.81 (-0.03)          Elevation (ELVTN) 150000 9.03 (+0.54)          Young Woman and the Sea (YWATS) 25000 13.83 (-0.09)          Emilia Perez (EMILP) 150000 4.08 (-0.45)          The Strangers: Chapter 1 (STRN3) 150000 28.55 (-0.21)          Ready or Not 2 (RONO2) 16000 15.36 (-0.51)          Cleopatra (CLEOP) 150000 57.86 (-0.15)          Jumanji sequel (JUMN3) 150000 68.76 (+0.15)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 150000 14.23 (+0.94)          Emilia Perez (EMILP) 150000 4.08 (-0.45)          Emilia Perez (EMILP) 149999 4.08 (-0.45)          White Bird (WHBRD) 150000 13.80 (-0.64)          White Bird (WHBRD) 149999 13.80 (-0.64)          Science-Fiction Fund (SCIFI) 1 93.58 (-0.20)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 149999 14.23 (+0.94)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 150000 14.23 (+0.94)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 25000 10.11 (+0.65)          Cliffhanger (CLFHN) 150000 10.62 (-0.16)          Cliffhanger (CLFHN) 150000 10.62 (-0.16)          Bugonia aka Save the Green Plane (STGPL) 1 19.08 (+0.01)          Calamity Hustle (CLMTY) 150000 55.60 (+1.35)          My Penguin Friend (TPATF) 1 4.26 (+0.15)          Calamity Hustle (CLMTY) 20000 55.60 (+1.35)          The Monkey (MONKY) 150000 20.13 (+0.06)          Juror No. 2 (JUROR) 75000 22.95 (-0.05)          Drop (DROP) 150000 24.24 (+0.82)          Zootopia 2 (ZOOT2) 57 174.32 (0.00)          Woman of the Hour aka The Dating (DATGM) 149999 2.25 (-0.02)          Bugonia aka Save the Green Plane (STGPL) 150000 19.08 (+0.01)          The Strangers: Chapter 1 (STRN3) 150000 28.55 (-0.21)          Borderlands (BRDLN) 1 77.08 (-0.17)          Across The River And Into The Tr (ATRIT) 150000 0.37 (-0.02)          Sicario 3 (SICA3) 1 10.69 (0.00)          Woman of the Hour aka The Dating (DATGM) 1 2.25 (-0.02)          Nuremberg (NUREM) 1 17.79 (-0.02)          Summer Camp (SUMCP) 150000 11.73 (+0.66)          Summer Camp (SUMCP) 150000 11.73 (+0.66)          Elevation (ELVTN) 150000 9.03 (+0.54)          Borderlands (BRDLN) 150000 77.08 (-0.17)          Elevation (ELVTN) 150000 9.03 (+0.54)