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Trailer for It's Complicated

After decades of being just a critical darling, Meryl Streep [MSTRE] has suddenly become a big box office attraction over the last couple of years.  Even more surprising, she is achieving super stardom at an age when Hollwyood typically considers actresses to be well past their prime. This year, Streep is starring in two films from the two most successful female directors.  Julie & Julia [JULIE] directed by Nora Ephron [NEPHR] is already a summer hit, while It's Complicated [CMPLC] directed by Nancy Meyers [NMEYE] looks to be just as popular during this holiday season.  

It's Complicated stars Streep as a divorcee who gets back in the groove again when she rekindles a romance with her remarried ex-husband, Alec Baldwin [ABALD], while attracting attention from a funny nice guy, Steve Martin [SMART].  Yep,
lfe is good for Meryl, very good.



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By Antibody on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 03:57 PM 2626 views

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Wolf Man H$20 Put Fri-Mon (TWLFM.PU) 25000 3.10 (+0.62)          One of Them Days - Opening Weeke (1OTDS.OW) 100000 10.40 (+1.06)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 79000 9.17 (+0.04)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 38.53 (-1.03)          Night of the Zoopocalypse (NOTZP) 150000 1.86 (-0.14)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 38.53 (-1.03)          Wolf Man H$20 Put Fri-Mon (TWLFM.PU) 25000 3.10 (+0.62)          One of Them Days (1OTDS) 90000 21.50 (+0.84)          Wolf Man H$20 Call Fri-Mon (TWLFM.CA) 25000 2.12 (-0.81)          One of Them Days H$10 Call Fri-M (1OTDS.CA) 24999 1.83 (+0.40)          Wolf Man H$20 Call Fri-Mon (TWLFM.CA) 25000 2.12 (-0.81)          Love Me (LOVME) 51130 4.60 (0.00)          Wolf Man - Opening Weekend Fri-M (TWLFM.OW) 100000 19.08 (-1.45)          Wolf Man - Opening Weekend Fri-M (TWLFM.OW) 10000 19.08 (-1.45)          Wolf Man H$20 Put Fri-Mon (TWLFM.PU) 24999 3.10 (+0.62)          Jonah Hauer-King (JHAUE) 25000 84.22 (-1.25)          They Found Us (THFUS) 20000 12.23 (0.00)          Wolf Man - Opening Weekend Fri-M (TWLFM.OW) 1 19.08 (-1.45)          Wolf Man - Opening Weekend Fri-M (TWLFM.OW) 100000 19.08 (-1.45)          Together (TGETR) 150000 5.18 (-0.03)          Ann Lee (ANLEE) 150000 8.00 (0.00)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 20001 9.17 (+0.04)          Ann Lee (ANLEE) 10000 8.00 (0.00)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.93 (-0.48)          Ann Lee (ANLEE) 150000 8.00 (0.00)          Claes Bang (CBANG) 25000 8.83 (+0.15)          Wolf Man - Opening Weekend Fri-M (TWLFM.OW) 100000 19.08 (-1.45)          Michael (MJACK) 5000 85.30 (-0.09)          Wolf Man - Opening Weekend Fri-M (TWLFM.OW) 100000 19.08 (-1.45)          Together (TGETR) 150000 5.18 (-0.03)          The Shrouds (SHRUD) 150000 1.32 (-0.02)          One of Them Days H$10 Put Fri-Mo (1OTDS.PU) 25000 1.87 (-0.41)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 3 18.91 (+0.02)          Worth the Wait (WTHWT) 6 2.06 (+0.01)          Gremlins 3 (GREM3) 1594 9.45 (-1.32)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 37219 9.17 (+0.04)          Ocean's 14 (OCEN5) 3 36.75 (-0.03)          Peter Dinklage (PDINK) 25000 120.02 (0.00)          One of Them Days H$10 Put Fri-Mo (1OTDS.PU) 25000 1.87 (-0.41)          The Force (TFORC) 1500 0.09 (+0.06)          The Fence (TFENC) 800 0.05 (+0.03)          One of Them Days H$10 Call Fri-M (1OTDS.CA) 25000 1.83 (+0.40)          One of Them Days H$10 Call Fri-M (1OTDS.CA) 25000 1.83 (+0.40)          One of Them Days - Opening Weeke (1OTDS.OW) 100000 10.40 (+1.06)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 50000 9.17 (+0.04)          One of Them Days - Opening Weeke (1OTDS.OW) 100000 10.40 (+1.06)          Wicked $360M Blockbuster Warrant (WICKD.BW) 5000 23.00 (-0.01)          One of Them Days (1OTDS) 150000 21.50 (+0.84)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 38.53 (-1.03)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 38.53 (-1.03)