DL: trackingindicates a stateside opening range of $68M-$85M [FBSTS] . NRG has $75M. Oct 27, 09:21
THR: FBSTS tracking for $75m with some cautious estimates at 70 Oct 27, 09:39
THR: at least $75 million Oct 27, 09:39
V: $75 million Oct 27, 09:43
case in point inside Oct 27, 09:47
From my original post on Feedback. Oct 27, 09:51
How are we supposed to value stocks based on delist value? That is impossible to predict. {nm} Oct 27, 09:59
ok, I thought maybe there was a definite decision made by now... thank you... {nm} Oct 27, 10:10
So fantastic beasts def gets an adjust. That's good to know because of what Oleg said, I've been eyeballing this one for a while Oct 27, 12:03
I feel like that change is gonna make us the NFL... Oct 27, 12:29
Oh, so probably I will stop playing, hsx will be boring. Please don't do that {nm} Oct 27, 15:41
So these tracking numbers indicate what exactly for FBSTS? Oct 27, 09:49