HSX Forum



Posted by: inviere on May 02, 01:57 in response to tealfan's post Summer Pick 5: time to sharpen your pencils &...

Summer Pick 5: time to sharpen your pencils & minds!...taking entries until halt on Friday...so what is this?...more info inside.... tealfan May 01, 10:24

NEMO2 , CAPA3 , IDAY2 , BORN5 , PETS {nm} tealfan May 01, 10:24

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2 , BORN5 {nm} Professor Frink May 01, 12:57

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, PETS {nm} numbersix_99 May 01, 10:29

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, BORN5 {nm} diamondman56 May 01, 10:31

CAPA3, XMEN6, IDAY2, NEMO2, PETS {nm} JMT-NL May 01, 10:43

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, BORN5, IDAY2 {nm} ~JPV~ May 01, 10:43

CAPA3, IDAY2, SUICD, NEMO2, TBFG. Thanks tealfan, lobo and Mr. Z. {nm} second gary May 01, 10:57

NEMO2, CAPA3, IDAY2, XMEN6, TREK3 {nm} joeoftexas May 01, 11:00

CAPA3, NEMO2, TREK3, IDAY2, PETS {nm} Oleg Max May 01, 11:13

CAPA3,NEMO2,IDAY2,XMEN6,PETS {nm} Mala-Droi May 01, 11:25

CAPA3, PETS, NEMO2, SUICD, ANGRB {nm} TwoMisfits May 01, 11:30

Thanks to the organizers and I will say this year, it's hard to pick TwoMisfits May 01, 11:34

Yes; I had ten contenders to choose from. {nm} second gary May 01, 15:24

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, BORN5 {nm} GBlaylock May 02, 11:28

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, IDAY2 {nm} bennyg1985 May 01, 11:31

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, PETS,XMEN6 {nm} Buzz2 May 01, 12:00

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, IDAY2, XMEN6. Thanks to the organizers. {nm} sphere May 01, 12:09

SUICD, CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, BORN5 {nm} Snidly May 01, 12:10

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} helmetz May 01, 12:17

CAPA3, NEMO2, IDAY2, SUICD, PETS {nm} austpow May 01, 12:22

CAPA3, NEMO2, IDAY2, PETS, SUICD {nm} DanU May 01, 12:32

NEMO2, CAPA3, SUICD, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} RickandMorty May 01, 12:45

Thanks to lobogotti, MrZero and tealfan too! {nm} RickandMorty May 01, 12:46

+1. Thanks! {nm} ~JPV~ May 01, 12:58

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2 , BORN5 {nm} Professor Frink May 01, 12:57

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, TREK3 {nm} mantleclinic May 01, 13:04

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, TBFG, BORN5 {nm} oneman May 01, 14:06

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, PETS, BORN5 {nm} flinkman May 01, 14:41

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, PETS {nm} DeanB May 01, 14:48

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, ALCN2, TBFG - Kids summer 2016 {nm} doitdoitdoitnow May 01, 14:52

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, PETS, IDAY2 {nm} alfjox May 01, 15:09

SUICD, CAPA3, NEMO2, IDAY2, ANGRB (tealfan - read inside) MrZero May 01, 15:28

thanks!...and please send it yourself if you don't mind...only the Prize Department can touch the prizes...hehe {nm} tealfan May 01, 15:43

NEMO2, CAPA3, SUICD, TBFG, XMEN6 {nm} billy May 02, 22:42

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, IDAY2 (sorry bennyg, my picks are exactly the same) {nm} MattW May 01, 15:43

I'll take it as a sign that I'm headed in the right direction. {nm} bennyg1985 May 01, 17:07

NEMO2, CAPA3, SUICD, XMEN6, PETS {nm} nummy May 01, 16:07

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} DaveyWayne May 01, 16:26

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, SUICD, ANGRB {nm} shadowking May 01, 16:34

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, IDAY2, XMEN6 {nm} kcpelot May 01, 16:56

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, ALCN2, IDAY2 {nm} cactusdan May 01, 17:07

CAPS3, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2, XMEN6 {nm} Wrath_crfd May 01, 17:11

oops spelling mistake, hope that does not disqualify me :) CAPA3 obviously {nm} Wrath_crfd May 02, 17:32

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, PETS... lobogotti May 01, 17:21

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, SUICD, PETS Dorfman May 01, 18:38

Thanks Tealfan, lobo, and MrZero {nm} Dorfman May 01, 18:40

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, XMEN6, TREK3 {nm} leo21 May 01, 17:26

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, TBFG, CINTL {nm} Paul2k May 01, 17:29

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, PETS, XMEN6 {nm} capitolfi May 01, 17:43

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, PETS, ANGRB {nm} tallbridge May 01, 17:57

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, IDAY2, TREK3 {nm} slappydavid May 01, 18:43

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2, XMEN6 {nm} DTshakes May 01, 18:44

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, ANGRB, IDAY2 {nm} RamsFan2004 May 01, 18:45

CAPA3, NEMO2, TBFG, PETS, SUICD {nm} ndmaster May 01, 19:20

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, BORN5, XMEN6 {nm} gogreenytd May 01, 19:43

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, BORN5, PETS {nm} lapuckfan May 01, 21:06

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, TBFG, BORN5 {nm} ExeterMac May 01, 22:01

CAPA3, NEMO2, IDAY2, SUICD, XMEN6 {nm} ajax85 May 01, 22:27

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, BORN5 {nm} benz0 May 01, 22:41

I'll join the CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, IDAY2 club Moviesnob May 01, 22:49

A good idea. A tie-breaker could be, well, a guess at the domestic gross of the #1 or #5 film in the guessed list? {nm} second gary May 02, 08:50

Welcome, there's 6 in this club total it looks like. Good crew here. MattW May 02, 17:41

CAPA3, SUICD, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2 {nm} sgb452 May 02, 00:25

NEMO2, CAPA3, SUICD, IDAY2, XMEN6 inviere May 02, 01:57

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, PETS, SUICD {nm} RazorHawk May 02, 07:55

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, SUICD, BORN5 mrbinns May 02, 08:15

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, TBFG {nm} RogerMore May 02, 08:29

Oh, I forgot XMEN6. Please change to CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, XMEN6, SUICD {nm} RogerMore May 02, 08:31

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, IDAY2, SUICD {nm} gsquared May 02, 08:39

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, XMEN6, SUICD. (thank you tealfan, lobogotti, mrzero) {nm} islander May 02, 08:41

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2, TBFG {nm} Initech May 02, 09:27

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, PETS, BORN5 {nm} pennystocks2 May 02, 09:31

CAPA3, NEMO2, BORN5, XMEN6, PETS {nm} PhoneHome May 02, 09:35

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, IDAY2 {nm} one cent girl May 02, 09:36

CAPA3, SUICD, NEMO2, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} momentum858 May 02, 10:07

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, IDAY2 {nm} jamesbik333 May 02, 10:09

SUICD, NEMO2, CAPA3, IDAY2, TBFG {nm} avandelay May 02, 10:41

NEMO2, IDAY2, CAPA3, PETS, SUICD {nm} daveart May 02, 10:49

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, XMEN6 andy007 May 02, 11:08

CAPA3, NEMO2, IDAY2, XMEN6, BORN5 {nm} vigus24 May 02, 11:13

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, ANGRB, SUICD {nm} Bleachigo May 02, 11:16

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, BORN5 {nm} GBlaylock May 02, 11:29

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, IDAY2 {nm} jdaniel May 02, 11:31

CAPA3, NEMO2, IDAY2, SUICD, PETS {nm} Blinky May 02, 11:42

CAPA3, PETS, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6 {nm} ryeontherocks May 02, 11:49

IDAY2, CAPA3, XMEN6, ANGRB, CINTL {nm} mattep74 May 02, 12:02

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} DiNar0 May 02, 12:09

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, XMEN6 {nm} TFeeney May 02, 13:09

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, SUICD, IDAY2 {nm} NickSkuse May 02, 13:23

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, XMEN6, SUICD, {nm} Baron_Darcon May 02, 13:40

CAPA3, NEMO2, TREK3, SUICD, IDAY2 {nm} skunkrunner May 02, 14:33

CAPA3, NEMO2, IDAY2, SUICD, PETS {nm} HurricaneKid May 02, 17:25

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, BORN5 {nm} Andre C May 02, 17:30

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, IDAY2, XMEN6 {nm} parthm May 02, 21:03

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, XMEN6, SUICD {nm} vadym May 02, 22:41

CAPA3, SUICD, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2 {nm} BelizeIt May 03, 00:41

CAPA3, SUICD, IDAY2, NEMO2, XMEN6 {nm} Dales May 03, 11:19

CAPA3, NEMO2, BORN5, TREK3, TBFG {nm} kodiakbear May 03, 12:06

CAPA3,IDAY2,XMEN6,SUICD,TARZN {nm} blaze223 May 03, 12:08

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, PETS {nm} Ladybegood May 03, 15:57

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} goodvibe61 May 03, 16:08

CAPA3, SUID, NEMO2, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} thesilverfox May 03, 17:42

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, TREK3, {NM} Randy666 May 03, 17:58

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, PETS {nm} midianx May 03, 22:04

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, PETS, BORN5 {nm} queensguy May 04, 01:56

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, IDAY2, PETS {nm} JDolphin May 04, 15:04

NEMO2, CAPA3, IDAY2, XMEN6, TREK3 {nm} BuenaOnda May 04, 16:28

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, PETS, TBFG {nm} dioneta May 04, 16:50

Please update mine: CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, PETS, SUICD {nm} dioneta May 05, 10:32

CAPA3, SUICD, NEMO2, XMEN6, TREK3 {nm} tradermark May 05, 00:07

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, PETS, IDAY2 {nm} CoffinDancr May 05, 07:37

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2, SUICD {nm} Filmstardust May 05, 08:27

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, PETS {nm} danninho May 05, 08:47

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, IDAY2, PETS {nm} loveman3 May 05, 09:10

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, CNJU2, ICEA5 {nm} Richard In G May 05, 11:43

NEMO2, CAPA3, SUICD, IDAY2, XMEN6 {nm} tatoufan May 05, 13:42

CAPA3, NEMO2, IDAY2, PETS, XMEN6 (nm) Youngfund May 05, 14:16

SUICD, CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} Chateau_du_Mal_Voisin May 05, 17:02

IDAY2, CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, PETS {nm} warcraft86 May 05, 17:34

CAPA3, NEMO2, XMEN6, PETS, SUICD {nm} delfinasu May 06, 00:17

CAPA3, IDAY4, NEMO2, XMEN6,BORN5 {nm} RoBoGuru May 06, 03:31

CAPA3, NEMO2, SUICD, XMEN6, TREK3 {nm} ShatnersToupee May 06, 04:22

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, XMEN6, IDAY2 {nm} arbybaker May 06, 06:04

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, IDAY2, XMEN6 {nm} celedhring May 06, 09:05

CAPS3, NEMO2, SUICD, PETS, XMEN6 {nm} the_treachery_of_images May 06, 09:44

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, TBFG {nm} IAM_rah May 06, 09:45

CAPA3,NEMO2,XMEN6,TMNT2,BORN5 {nm} aaronl5 May 06, 09:54

CAPA3, NEMO2, PETS, SUICD, BORN5 {nm} sloopsjohng May 06, 09:54

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