HSX Forum


damn..somehow missed that..thought it was 6 else would have added NOPE {nm}

Posted by: ashsagar on May 22, 06:56 in response to Captain Obvious' post Seeing only Six (6) Listed. Going for the Summer Pick 6?

*** Announcing The 2022 Summer Pick 7 Game *** tealfan Apr 29, 08:12

The Weekend Warrior, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, LITYR, TOPG2, 522356221 TheWeekendWarrior Apr 29, 08:21

thanks Warrior, but you need to pick 7 movies :) {nm} tealfan Apr 29, 08:39

Still have a chance to muscle DC Super Pets in! (ahem) {nm} notfabio Apr 29, 08:40

I'd probably put it in if it wasn't opening in late July... less time to report box office and a month where family films don't do great TheWeekendWarrior Apr 29, 09:26

reminder we're looking at total box office. even beyond Labor Day if needed. {nm} tealfan Apr 29, 10:18

Oh, right.. it's right there in the title :) {nm} TheWeekendWarrior Apr 29, 09:01

The Weekend Warrior, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, LITYR, TOPG2, MNIO2, NOPE 522356221 {nm} TheWeekendWarrior Apr 29, 09:02

Qix, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, LITYR, TOPG2, MNIO2, NOPE 502365212 {nm} Qix May 04, 23:01

billy1975, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, LITYR, MNIO2, NOPE, TOPG2, 489231044 {nm} billy1975 Apr 29, 10:41


slappydavid, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, TOPG2, LITYR, MNIO2, NOPE, 527527527 {nm} slappydavid Apr 29, 08:54

joeoftexas, JURA6, DRST2, THOR4, LITYR, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 543210000 {nm} joeoftexas Apr 29, 08:55

Any way to perma-link this post to the top of the page like NominOpts in past years?Else this post will be difficult to find in 3+ days {nm} Tallwonder Apr 29, 08:56

We shoudl do a fundraiser to get the money to update the boards with stuff like that (and a like button, maybe?) :) {nm} TheWeekendWarrior Apr 29, 09:02

I usually repost the link to this original post once it goes off the front page {nm} tealfan Apr 29, 09:22

islndr, DRST2, JURA6, THOR4, TOPG2, ELVIS, BULTR, MNIO2 406407408 {nm} islndr Apr 29, 09:34

click999, DRST2, JURA6, THOR4, MNIO2, LITYR, TOPG2, NOPE, 417358994 {nm} click999 Apr 29, 10:09

gogreenytd, THOR4, DRST2, JURA6, MNIO2, LITYR, TOPG2, BULTR, 499005868 {nm} gogreenytd Apr 29, 10:38

Most Excellent {nm} VictorY Apr 29, 11:00

gsquared, JURA6, DRST2, THOR4, LITYR, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 535234345 {nm} gsquared Apr 29, 11:34

DeanB, DRST2, THOR4, LITYR, JURA6, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 555555555 {nm} DeanB Apr 29, 13:12

MattW, JURA6, DRST2, THOR4, LITYR, TOPG2, MNIO2, NOPE, 507355125 {nm} MattW Apr 29, 13:32

tealfan, JURA6, MNIO2, THOR4, TOPG2, LITYR, SUPET, DRST2, 278628001 {nm} tealfan Apr 29, 14:21

tealfan, JURA6, MNIO2, THOR4, TOPG2, LITYR, SUPET, DRST2, 278628001 {nm} tealfan Apr 29, 14:21

whoops...now it's happened to me {nm} tealfan Apr 29, 14:21

Wow, some bold predictions. MattW Apr 29, 15:11

I just can't get excited about the Wizard of Bleeker Street...even with all the multiverse cameos =P {nm} tealfan Apr 29, 15:24

Flash - I'll take a shot at JURA6, THOR4, TOPG2, DSTR2, MNIO2, LITYR, SUPET, 495344210 {nm} Flash Apr 29, 15:56

Rexlax - DRST2, JURA6, THOR4, MNIO2, LITYR, TOPG2, 465312890 {nm} rexlax Apr 29, 16:48

Whoops. Adding NOPE at the end of mine {nm} rexlax Apr 29, 19:21

extepan, DRST2, JURA6, LITYR, THOR4, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 567890100 {nm} extepan Apr 29, 17:35

erhead56, JURA6, DRST2, LITYR, THOR4, MNIO2, TOPG2, SUPET, 481210023 {nm} erhead56 Apr 29, 18:37

jonjon - DRST2, TOPG2, JURA6, LITYR, THOR4, MNIO2, BULTR, $489,754,666 {nm} jonjon Apr 29, 21:24

Initech, DRST2, TOPG2, JURA6, MNIO2, THOR4, LITYR, BULTR, 397397397.97 {nm} HorrorFund Apr 29, 22:10

MovieCub, DRST2, JURA6, THOR4, LITYR, TOPG2, MNIO2, SUPET 550000000 {nm} Movie Cub Apr 30, 05:57

daveart, JURA6, DRST2, MNIO2, THOR4, NOPE, TOPG2, LITYR, 407,545,800 {nm} daveart Apr 30, 13:24

Grunt DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, TOPG2, LITYR, NOPE, 543212345. {nm} Grunt Apr 30, 16:23

Seeing only Six (6) Listed. Going for the Summer Pick 6? {nm} Captain Obvious May 03, 15:14

Paul2k, JURA6, THOR4, LITYR, DRST2, TOPG2, MNIO2, NOPE, 378225352 {nm} Paul2k Apr 30, 21:51

billy75, DRST2, JURA6, TOPG2, MNIO2, THOR4, LITYR, BULTR, 439735378 {nm} billy75 Apr 30, 23:38

Andre C, JURA6, THOR4, DRST2, MNIO2, LITYR, TOPG2, NOPE, 403403403 {nm} Andre C May 01, 00:15

numbersix_99, DRST2, JURA6, THOR4, MNIO2, LITYR, TOPG2, NOPE, 4000001 {nm} numbersix_99 May 01, 04:59

Goodvibe61, JURA6, DRST2, THOR4, LITYR, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 505050505 {nm} Goodvibe61 May 01, 14:42

oneman, DRST2, LITYR, JURA6, TOPG2, MNIO2, THOR4, NOPE, 475000000 {nm} oneman May 01, 16:20

nummy, JURA6, DRST2,THOR4, MNIO2, TOPG2, LITYR, NOPE 412345678 {nm} nummy May 01, 18:27

Professor Frink, JURA6, THOR4, DRST2, LITYR, MNIO2, TOPG2, BULTR, 320556423 {nm} Professor Frink May 01, 23:19

DanU, DRST2, JURA6, LITYR, MNIO2, THOR4, TOPG2, NOPE, 575500001 {nm} DanU May 02, 15:53

TFeeney, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, TOPG2, MNIO2, LITYR, NOPE, 475475475 {nm} TFeeney May 02, 19:32

Jakemongoose, JURA6, DRST2, LITYR, THOR4, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 502104125 {nm} jakemongoose May 02, 23:41

Sphere: DRST2, JURA6, TOPG2, THOR4, MNIO2, LITYR, NOPE - 521000011 {nm} sphere May 05, 14:09

ashsagar,LITYR,JURA6,DRST2,THOR4,MNIO2,TOPG2,387000000 {nm} ashsagar May 03, 06:49

Seeing only Six (6) Listed. Going for the Summer Pick 6? {nm} Captain Obvious May 03, 14:11

damn..somehow missed that..thought it was 6 else would have added NOPE ashsagar May 22, 06:56

austpow: DRST2, JURA6, THOR4, LITYR, MNIO2, TOPG2, SUPET, 537,872,643 {nm} austpow May 03, 17:55

helmetz: DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, TOPG2, LITYR, MNIO2, NOPE 513976425 {nm} helmetz May 03, 18:28

Grunt, DRST2, JURA6, THOR4,TOPG2, LITYR, MNIO2, NOPE, 543212345 {nm} Grunt May 04, 09:08

sloopsjohng, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, LITYR, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 489629476 {nm} sloopsjohng May 04, 12:44

bsbbtnh: JURA6, LITYR, THOR4, DRST2, TOPG2, MNIO2, NOPE, 666555444 {nm} bsbbtnh May 05, 00:11

VictorY: DRST2, JURA6, THOR4, TOPG2, MNIO2, LITYR, NOPE: 476000000 {nm} VictorY May 05, 02:53

albrown: DRST2, JURA6, LITYR, THOR4, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE: 523000000 {nm} albrown May 05, 08:03

mantleclinic: LITYR, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 448612048 {nm} mantleclinic May 05, 08:40

one_cent_girl, LITYR, JURA6, DRST2, THOR4, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 434532046 {nm} one_cent_girl May 05, 21:00

ProfessorAF, THOR4, JURA6, DRST2, LITYR, TOPG2, MNIO2, NOPE, 371,000,001 {nm} ProfessorAF May 05, 10:52

bstallard, THOR4, DRST2, LITYR, JURA6, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 407548995 {nm} bstallard May 05, 12:32

pennystocks2, DRST2, JURA6, THOR4, TOPG2, LITYR, MNIO2, NOPE, 523254321 {nm} Pennystocks2 May 05, 15:38

Tallwonder, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, LITYR, TOPG2, MNIO2, NOPE, 468234117 Tallwonder May 05, 19:57

Clusterxxx, JURA6, DRST2, LITYR, THOR4, MNIO2, TOPG2, NOPE, 498765432 {nm} clusterxxxx May 05, 21:15

Catzan, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, MNIO2, TOPG2, LITYR, NOPE, 586,747,339 {nm} Catzan May 05, 21:22

Catzan, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, MNIO2, TOPG2, LITYR, NOPE, 429540396 Catzan May 06, 09:29

fricnfractal, JURA6, DRST2, THOR4, MNIO2, TOPG2, LITYR, NOPE, 572124677 {nm} fricnfractal May 05, 22:11

Jdaniel, DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, MNIO2, TOPG2, LITYR, NOPE 589589589 {nm} jdaniel May 05, 23:24

JDolphin, JURA6, DRST2, THOR4, LITYR, NOPE, MINIO2, TOPG2, 451000101 {nm} JDolphin May 06, 00:40

RotoHockeyYTD2014: DRST2, THOR4, JURA6, TOPG2, LITYR, MNIO2, NOPE, 525525525. {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2014 May 06, 07:32

ShawnMR, JURA6, DRST2, THOR4, LITYR, TOPG2, MNIO2, NOPE, 445000000 ShawnMR May 06, 08:55

Steved1998 NOPE THOR4 JURA6 LITYR DRST2 TOPG2 MNIO2 425000000 {nm} Steved1998 May 06, 14:20

Dammit {nm} Steved1998 May 06, 14:23

Missed It By That Much. {nm} Maxwell Smart May 06, 22:34

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Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 100000 38.47 (+0.25)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 50000 38.47 (+0.25)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 50000 38.47 (+0.25)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 50000 38.47 (+0.25)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 50000 38.47 (+0.25)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 100000 38.47 (+0.25)          Bring Her Back (BRNHB) 150000 17.87 (+0.51)          Bring Her Back (BRNHB) 150000 17.87 (+0.51)          Hotel Tehran (HTHRN) 100000 9.79 (-0.14)          Lobo (LOBO) 75000 20.29 (+0.33)          A Complete Unknown aka Going Ele (GOELC) 4092 15.01 (0.00)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 20000 163.43 (-0.04)          Above The Below (ABELW) 149999 12.76 (+0.17)          The Chain (CHAIN) 20000 11.13 (0.00)          Despicable Me 4 (DESM4) 20000 266.05 (+0.75)          Gladiator II aka Gladiator 2 (GLAD2) 20000 176.77 (-0.06)          Despicable Me 4 (DESM4) 20000 266.05 (+0.75)          Hotel Tehran (HTHRN) 150000 9.79 (-0.14)          Hotel Tehran (HTHRN) 150000 9.79 (-0.14)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 150000 17.58 (+0.49)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 150000 17.58 (+0.49)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 20000 35.33 (-0.12)          Ray Gunn (RAYGN) 20000 16.48 (+0.12)          Piece by Piece (PCBPC) 150000 21.18 (+0.57)          Piece by Piece (PCBPC) 150000 21.18 (+0.57)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 30000 35.33 (-0.12)          Welcome to the Jungle (WLCM3) 150000 2.98 (-0.02)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 10000 35.33 (-0.12)          Singham Again (SNGH3) 150000 2.98 (-0.02)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 10000 35.33 (-0.12)          Horizon: An American Saga Chapte (HORZN) 10000 63.21 (-0.01)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 10000 35.33 (-0.12)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 2000 35.33 (-0.12)          Kiefer Sutherland (KSUTH) 15000 7.74 (0.00)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 29200 35.33 (-0.12)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 119200 35.33 (-0.12)          Ghost of Tsushima (GOTSU) 20000 23.66 (-0.12)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 2000 35.33 (-0.12)          Drop (DROP) 9999 24.40 (-0.02)          Winner (WINNR) 75000 2.44 (+0.01)          Joker: Folie Ă  Deux (JOKE2) 1000 272.77 (-0.01)          White Bird (WHBRD) 10000 14.47 (+0.49)          Snow White (SNWHT) 400 175.61 (0.00)          Bring Her Back (BRNHB) 10000 17.87 (+0.51)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 10000 17.58 (+0.49)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 150000 19.70 (-0.01)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 10000 38.47 (+0.25)          The Bikeriders (BKRDR) 10000 28.94 (0.00)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 1000 30.00 (+0.04)          Inside Out 2 (INOU2) 20000 265.42 (-0.17)