HSX Forum


Official Adjuts

Posted by: Antibody on Jun 06, 11:02

Get Him to the Greek [GHGRK]
Halted: H$49.73
Weekend: $17.423M
Adjusted: H$47.04

Killers [5KILR]
Halted: H$42.47
Weekend: $16.1M
Adjusted: H$43.47

Marmaduke [MARMA]
Halted: H$39.59
Weekend: $11.3M
Adjusted: H$30.51

Splice [SPLIC]
Halted: H$26.58
Weekend: $7.45M
Adjusted: H$20.12


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Jeremy Strong (JSTRO) 25000 29.76 (-0.12)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Jeremy Strong (JSTRO) 1 29.76 (-0.12)          Bad Boys: Ride or Die (BADB4) 150000 136.79 (+2.13)          Bad Boys: Ride or Die (BADB4) 150000 136.79 (+2.13)          Jeremy Allen White (JEAWH) 24999 8.32 (+0.04)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Russell Brand (RBRAN) 5000 136.89 (+0.40)          Matt Reeves (MREEV) 5000 139.27 (+0.06)          Lewis Tan (LTAN) 25000 133.17 (-0.33)          Tuesday (TUESD) 150000 1.35 (-0.06)          Tuesday (TUESD) 150000 1.35 (-0.06)          Kelly Marie Tran (KMTRA) 25000 133.52 (-0.66)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 10000 40.00 (0.00)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Jordan Peele (JPEEL) 5000 138.68 (+0.06)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Jemaine Clement (JCLEM) 5000 137.52 (+0.06)          Kingdom of the Planet of the Ape (APES4.BW) 25000 9.34 (+0.16)          Inside Out 2 (INOU2) 999 264.41 (+1.10)          Bad Boys: Ride or Die (BADB4) 87 136.79 (+2.13)          Bad Boys: Ride or Die (BADB4) 87 136.79 (+2.13)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          James Wan (JWAN) 20000 139.12 (-0.60)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          James Wan (JWAN) 25000 139.12 (-0.60)          Hailee Steinfeld (HSTEI) 5000 138.61 (+0.06)          Bad Boys: Ride or Die (BADB4) 4004 136.79 (+2.13)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Justin H. Min (JHMIN) 25000 0.42 (+0.03)          RJ Cyler (RCYLE) 2999 31.06 (+0.12)          Piece by Piece (PCBPC) 5000 20.14 (+2.43)          Justin H. Min (JHMIN) 25000 0.42 (+0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 150000 3.53 (-0.47)          RJ Cyler (RCYLE) 5999 31.06 (+0.12)          OVERLORD: The Sacred Kingdom (OLTSK) 150000 8.05 (+0.01)          Amy Schumer (ASCHU) 4000 60.54 (+0.50)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 14000 40.00 (0.00)          David Leitch (DLEIT) 5000 131.21 (-0.27)          Bring Her Back (BRNHB) 150000 18.53 (+0.04)          Amy Schumer (ASCHU) 14993 60.54 (+0.50)          National Anthem (NANTM) 150000 0.87 (+0.06)          Gabby's Dollhouse: The Movie (GABYD) 150000 21.86 (-0.48)          Whoopi Goldberg (WGOLD) 25000 8.94 (-0.10)          Paul Bettany (PBETT) 999 166.33 (-0.90)          Whoopi Goldberg (WGOLD) 25000 8.94 (-0.10)          Paul Bettany (PBETT) 993 166.33 (-0.90)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Addison Rae (ARAE) 999 24.66 (-0.25)          Addison Rae (ARAE) 993 24.66 (-0.25)