HSX Forum


NVARD to direct [MBFG3]. She thanks Focus, so theatrical distributor

Posted by: Antibody on Jun 22, 10:16


Tag(s): MBFG3

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Flight of the Navigator (FNAVG) 150000 0.01 (-0.01)          Starve Acre (STRVE) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 40000 13.43 (+1.87)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Gears of War (GEARS) 150000 0.06 (-0.03)          Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (BHCP4) 150000 0.22 (-0.01)          Harbinger (HARBN) 150000 0.67 (-0.02)          Starve Acre (STRVE) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Jump Street: Now For Her Pleasur (21JS3) 150000 2.19 (-0.02)          RoboCop Returns (ROBO2) 150000 1.13 (-0.01)          Baby Driver 2 (BDRV2) 150000 3.31 (0.00)          Hell of a Summer (HOSUM) 150000 3.59 (+0.01)          Starve Acre (STRVE) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Lost Boys (LOSTB) 150000 3.82 (0.00)          Escape From New York (ESCNY) 150000 6.15 (0.00)          Red Sonja (SONJA) 150000 2.06 (-0.01)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 1 20.00 (0.00)          Queen of Bones (QUBON) 150000 2.07 (0.00)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 693 20.00 (0.00)          Ranger's Apprentice (RNGAP) 150000 2.69 (0.00)          Ghost of Tsushima (GOTSU) 150000 23.38 (-0.07)          The Instigators (NSTGT) 150000 11.88 (-0.15)          The Chain (CHAIN) 150000 11.08 (0.00)          Ash (ASH) 30000 4.58 (-0.02)          Akira (AKIRA) 30000 13.20 (-0.02)          Spawn (SPWN2) 150000 2.85 (0.00)          Jump Street: Now For Her Pleasur (21JS3) 150000 2.19 (-0.02)          American Son (AMRSN) 150000 1.93 (-0.02)          RoboCop Returns (ROBO2) 150000 1.13 (-0.01)          Baby Driver 2 (BDRV2) 150000 3.31 (0.00)          Alpha Gang (ALPHG) 150000 2.24 (-0.01)          Ready or Not 2 (RONO2) 150000 13.75 (-0.06)          Hell of a Summer (HOSUM) 150000 3.59 (+0.01)          The Lost Boys (LOSTB) 150000 3.82 (0.00)          Escape From New York (ESCNY) 150000 6.15 (0.00)          Red Sonja (SONJA) 150000 2.06 (-0.01)          Queen of Bones (QUBON) 150000 2.07 (0.00)          Devara Part 1 (DEVAR) 150000 5.60 (-0.02)          Ranger's Apprentice (RNGAP) 150000 2.69 (0.00)          Zatanna (ZATAN) 150000 9.75 (-0.02)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Starve Acre (STRVE) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Spawn (SPWN2) 150000 2.85 (0.00)          Kalki 2898 A.D. (KALKI) 150000 7.09 (-0.02)          Ghost of Tsushima (GOTSU) 150000 23.38 (-0.07)          The Chain (CHAIN) 150000 11.08 (0.00)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 10.54 (-0.08)          The Kingsman 3 (KTSS4) 150000 16.82 (+0.04)          Starve Acre (STRVE) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Starve Acre (STRVE) 150000 1.00 (0.00)