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Simu Liu (SLIU) 25000 160.58 (-0.50)          Piece by Piece (PCBPC) 150000 18.14 (+0.43)          Piece by Piece (PCBPC) 150000 18.14 (+0.43)          Michelle Williams (MWILL) 25000 93.91 (+0.25)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 31.08 (-0.25)          Huntington (HNGTN) 40000 15.89 (-0.39)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 31.08 (-0.25)          Easy's Waltz (EWLTZ) 1000 12.20 (-0.16)          Piece by Piece (PCBPC) 4000 18.14 (+0.43)          Piece by Piece (PCBPC) 1200 18.14 (+0.43)          Lords of War (LRDW2) 2000 13.73 (+0.70)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 10000 18.00 (+0.74)          Kieran Culkin (KCULK) 3999 9.14 (0.00)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 2000 18.00 (+0.74)          Kieran Culkin (KCULK) 4999 9.14 (0.00)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 45000 18.00 (+0.74)          Hotel Tehran (HTHRN) 150000 10.15 (-0.42)          Wolfs (WOLFS) 5000 62.26 (-0.01)          Wolfs (WOLFS) 5000 62.26 (-0.01)          Hotel Tehran (HTHRN) 150000 10.15 (-0.42)          Jamie Dornan (JDORN) 11000 11.51 (-0.04)          Hotel Tehran (HTHRN) 150000 10.15 (-0.42)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 150000 3.95 (-0.05)          Tom Felton (TFELT) 1999 13.12 (0.00)          Julia Roberts (JROBE) 2000 65.48 (-0.23)          Tom Felton (TFELT) 3999 13.12 (0.00)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 150000 18.00 (+0.74)          Julia Roberts (JROBE) 21172 65.48 (-0.23)          Bring Her Back (BRNHB) 10000 18.87 (+0.38)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 149999 18.00 (+0.74)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 150000 18.00 (+0.74)          Companion (CMPAN) 1000 20.14 (0.00)          Wolfs (WOLFS) 20000 62.26 (-0.01)          Alexander Skarsgard (ASKAR) 999 33.30 (0.00)          What You Wish For (WYWF) 149999 0.18 (+0.05)          Alexander Skarsgard (ASKAR) 999 33.30 (0.00)          Charlotte Gainsbourg (CGAIN) 24000 1.47 (-0.02)          What You Wish For (WYWF) 150000 0.18 (+0.05)          Above The Below (ABELW) 15000 12.39 (+0.71)          Mickey 17 aka Mickey7 (MCKY7) 10000 119.08 (0.00)          Taylor Russell (TARUS) 22000 12.54 (-0.08)          Fancy Dance (FNCYD) 149999 0.22 (+0.06)          Jeffrey Dean Morgan (JDMOR) 1999 25.18 (0.00)          Jeffrey Dean Morgan (JDMOR) 1999 25.18 (0.00)          Just Cause (JCAUS) 10000 4.19 (-0.14)          Stephanie Hsu (SHSU) 25000 73.65 (0.00)          Fancy Dance (FNCYD) 150000 0.22 (+0.06)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 25000 18.00 (+0.74)          Justin H. Min (JHMIN) 22000 0.37 (-0.02)          Just Cause (JCAUS) 1600 4.19 (-0.14)