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This won't be their second biggest opening. Heard it may be the first truly bad Pixar movie.

Posted by: secretstalker (a.k.a TheWeekendWarrior) on Jun 19, 07:37 in response to lobogotti's post Last 10 Years of Pixar Box Office History...

Nice job, Lasseter!

Last 10 Years of Pixar Box Office History... lobogotti Jun 19, 07:29

well, it's no secret that associating your name with Pixar will result in a BIG OW and a 3.7 or higher multiplier from opening weekend until lobogotti Jun 19, 07:32

however, where does Cars fall in this weekend? there are a few very big variables to pay attention too.... lobogotti Jun 19, 07:40

This won't be their second biggest opening. Heard it may be the first truly bad Pixar movie. secretstalker Jun 19, 07:37

this is the first Pixar film I won't see in theatres. I have zero interest, but to be fair I had very little interest in Cars (still saw it lobogotti Jun 19, 07:43

Agree with lobogotti LariatSam Jun 19, 09:43

Drew at Hitfix gave a pweasants mostly positive premiere review {nm} notfabio Jun 19, 08:12

Variety/HR are also very positive. We have ScreenDaily review but that requires subscription. shawman Jun 19, 08:36

I expect it to fall in between Nemo and Toy Story 3. It is the sequel off of a beloved movie. I don't think 90M is out of the question. Juiced Jun 19, 07:45

Beloved by whom? {nm} secretstalker Jun 19, 07:46

little boys? jamfan14 Jun 19, 07:53

Does your 2-year-old earn enough money to take himself to see the movie? :) {nm} secretstalker Jun 19, 07:57

but he does make sure that either mommy or daddy (or both) take him for it... {nm} b4bad Jun 19, 10:38

maybe you should wear your Cars hoodie around town and see what kind of reaction it gets {nm} mickpix Jun 19, 12:47

Corporate synergists? {nm} second gary Jun 19, 08:16

A lot of people. It did well in the box office and is a pixar favorite among all the kids that I know personally. {nm} Juiced Jun 19, 10:57

A 70 to 110 prediction! Do you work for LA Times? ;) {nm} PVL Admin Jun 19, 09:48

Haha! You think I got a shot? I said I don't think 90 million is unreasonable but probably closer to 80. {nm} Juiced Jun 19, 10:57

I saw it yesterday - it was great, my kids loved it, I really liked it - the Michael Caine car's really fun - it'll do well {nm} journey Jun 19, 08:25

good feedback, thanks {nm} lobogotti Jun 19, 08:29

I trust you more than I do Drew at HitFix... annoyed they didn't have a Saturday screening here. {nm} secretstalker Jun 19, 08:34

what the heck, here's a review (super mild spoilers inside)... journey Jun 19, 09:03

Shame that the two best have grossed the least. Love em all though personally. {nm} MiyazakiFan Jun 19, 09:15

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