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so just how much money can be made from HPOT8 related stocks from now to delist (Part 2)? scenarios inside....

Posted by: lobogotti on Jul 15, 21:06 in response to lobogotti's post so just how much money can be made from HPOT8 related...

because I'm in a good mood and have to be up for golf in a mere 4 hours from now thought I would leave you with this nice cheat sheet of Bonds for HPOT8...

roughly there is 4.8M to be made, without accounting for commissions (you can do the math on at least that much). 

here is what I came up with, math not guaranteed....

ARICK - 500K Profit (long)
CHIND - 180K Profit (long)
CPOES - 50K Profit (short)
DRADC - worthless
DTHEW - 120K Profit (short)
ETHOM - 320K Profit (short)
EMWAT - worthless
GOLDM - 400K Profit (long)
HBCAR - 420K Profit (long)
JISAA - 40K Profit (long) delists for CARS2 on Tues.
JBROA - 100K Profit (short)
JHURT - 520K Profit (long)
JWALT - 500K Profit (long)
KMACD - 580K Profit (long)
MSMTH - 55K Profit (short)
MGAMB - 60K Profit (short)
RFIEN - 510K Profit (long)
RCOLT - 100K Profit (long)
RGRIN - 150K Profit (long)

have a nice night and a good weekend, won't be around much.  :)

so just how much money can be made from HPOT8 related stocks from now to delist? scenarios inside.... lobogotti Jul 15, 20:11

Woohoo! {nm} Dorfman Jul 15, 20:15

A tidy sum on star bonds as well Moviebear_2 Jul 15, 20:17

Yes there were many after their last adjust that were going to go 40pts or so. Course also a lot that wouldn't change at all {nm} Dorfman Jul 15, 20:19

Bear in mind that some stocks will be dropping an earlier Potter movie for HPOT8 and since this one caps out at $250 for bonds... secretstalker Jul 15, 20:30

Well, I had noticed some that were above their current TAGs for some reason. {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 20:43

:) I'll let you do the math for those {nm} lobogotti Jul 15, 20:19

Starbonds are the one thing my port is missing. I just looked at the main hp kids and damn $200 almost. Worth it to buy? {nm} jms2 Jul 15, 20:40

Most of the kids will be replacing a HP movie in their TAG with another, so their TAG shouldn't change. I don't think so. {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 20:48

how about some of the other actors?..I really don't get what makes the starbonds fluctuate. {nm} jms2 Jul 15, 20:51

Ok, a bit of help for you... accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 21:00

take these two posts and figure how these numbers were achieved... lobogotti Jul 15, 21:33

So after the adjust you basically should flip it from long to short? OH because so many will sell to get their profits {nm} Dorfman Jul 15, 20:18

yes and no. yes people will flip, but for more profit. HPOT7 adjusted up to 337M, but delisted at 257M. holding 100K short would have lobogotti Jul 15, 20:21

I just added everything up. Between the Derivatives and regular stock. 86.3% of my portfolio is in HPOT8 lol {nm} Dorfman Jul 15, 20:25

lol....well at least you will see some profit back from it. {nm} lobogotti Jul 15, 20:28

Shame, man, shame! Should've gone all-in! :P {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 20:45

haha u probably right {nm} Dorfman Jul 15, 21:40

How much real $ could have been made if Cantor had been approved? :) {nm} islander Jul 15, 20:29

not that much. Cantor's contract was based on 4 week cash out total... {nm} Oleg Max Jul 15, 20:32

Id heard about that.. That would have been nice. Damn laws lol {nm} Dorfman Jul 15, 20:32

so just how much money can be made from HPOT8 related stocks from now to delist (Part 2)? scenarios inside.... lobogotti Jul 15, 21:06

Sorry, but you have some wrong... accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 21:13

the $$$ are right, but the holding position wrong. thank you sir. ETHOM is a big typo on my part. did that math quick and typing quicker. {nm} lobogotti Jul 15, 21:18

That's ok, just didn't want any of the other peeps to feel cheated ;) {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 21:21

i would be hated even more than i already am by some on these boards!!! those little mistakes would have cost -760K (total loss). lobogotti Jul 15, 21:25

That's why you've got buddies on here watching out for ya ;) {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 21:29

;) have a good morning accountant...where you are anyway. {nm} lobogotti Jul 15, 21:31

Thanks. You have a good short sleep and round of golf :) got much planned for the weekend? {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 21:33

a lot tomorrow. wifey gone 2nite so been spoiled with the bachelor life. got to run 3m, eat pizza and ice cream. was going to a movie but lobogotti Jul 15, 21:37

No, that's fine, I understand completely. accountant_4_Jesus Jul 15, 21:48

What a sweet little exchange :) Jane_Citizen Jul 15, 23:30

;) crazy weekend Jane. we're all seeing something just unbelievable...by most anyway {nm} lobogotti Jul 16, 03:01

hope you and the fam get to feeling better. summer colds/flu are the worst. lobogotti Jul 16, 03:00

I'm actually in winter here at the moment... accountant_4_Jesus Jul 16, 03:18

Thanks for the post! {nm} jms2 Jul 16, 08:25

thanks!...been waiting for your scenarios {nm} tealfan Jul 15, 22:09

;) {nm} lobogotti Jul 16, 03:01

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Henry Golding (HGOLD) 11800 34.56 (-6.50)          Andie MacDowell (AMACD) 25000 5.81 (-0.10)          Henry Golding (HGOLD) 5200 34.56 (-6.50)          Alan Ritchson (ARITC) 25000 66.26 (-16.22)          Andie MacDowell (AMACD) 25000 5.81 (-0.10)          Aisling Franciosi (AFRAN) 25000 4.94 (+0.18)          Hero Fiennes Tiffin (HFTIF) 25000 18.53 (-0.07)          Aisling Franciosi (AFRAN) 25000 4.94 (+0.18)          Hero Fiennes Tiffin (HFTIF) 5200 18.53 (-0.07)          Here (HERE1) 140000 60.56 (+0.28)          Bowen Yang (BYANG) 25000 35.00 (0.00)          Guy Ritchie (GRITC) 7800 21.36 (-21.23)          Bowen Yang (BYANG) 25000 35.00 (0.00)          Here (HERE1) 150000 60.56 (+0.28)          Til Schweiger (TSCHW) 25000 14.53 (-1.40)          Eiza Gonzalez (EGONZ) 25000 32.18 (-0.07)          IF (IMGNF) 33901 137.59 (-1.78)          Eiza Gonzalez (EGONZ) 25000 32.18 (-0.07)          Orlando Bloom (OBLOO) 24999 93.42 (-6.78)          Matthew Goode (MTGOO) 24999 13.14 (-4.36)          Jazzy (JAZZY) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Cary Elwes (CELWE) 25000 40.03 (+2.76)          Kathryn Newton (KNEWT) 25000 80.42 (+0.66)          Riley Keough (RKEOU) 25000 1.60 (-0.91)          Jeff Goldblum (JGOLD) 25000 67.10 (-0.65)          Melissa Barrera (MBARR) 25000 48.89 (+0.08)          Riley Keough (RKEOU) 25000 1.60 (-0.91)          Wicked (WICKD) 149999 158.34 (-0.72)          Kathryn Newton (KNEWT) 25000 80.42 (+0.66)          Riley Keough (RKEOU) 25000 1.60 (-0.91)          Henry Golding (HGOLD) 24999 34.56 (-6.50)          Barry Pepper (BPEPP) 25000 19.52 (-2.19)          Henry Golding (HGOLD) 25000 34.56 (-6.50)          Jazzy (JAZZY) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Hero Fiennes Tiffin (HFTIF) 25000 18.53 (-0.07)          The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Loo (DTEBU) 150000 34.41 (-0.39)          Alan Ritchson (ARITC) 5800 66.26 (-16.22)          Ready or Not 2 (RONO2) 19000 19.58 (+1.58)          Henry Golding (HGOLD) 25000 34.56 (-6.50)          Nuremberg (NUREM) 150000 18.65 (-1.29)          Alan Ritchson (ARITC) 5200 66.26 (-16.22)          IF (IMGNF) 147455 137.59 (-1.78)          Guy Ritchie (GRITC) 24999 21.36 (-21.23)          Hero Fiennes Tiffin (HFTIF) 25000 18.53 (-0.07)          Guy Ritchie (GRITC) 25000 21.36 (-21.23)          The Ploughmen (PLOUM) 150000 2.40 (-0.58)          Henry Cavill (HCAVI) 25000 152.81 (+0.67)          Dan Stevens (DSTEV) 24999 52.74 (+6.49)          The Fall Guy (FALGY) 100000 83.49 (-1.67)          Dan Stevens (DSTEV) 25000 52.74 (+6.49)