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OK. Again, agree to disagree. I keep thinking of some kid that's going to play Han Solo and not Ford in a prequel. No thanks. {nm}

Posted by: goodvibe61 on Jan 04, 20:54 in response to slipping jimmy's post not successful. better.

What I've been thinking about the STAR WARS Franchise going forward, and our game, and one other thing (BIG SPOILERS INSIDE) goodvibe61 Jan 04, 19:07

completely disagree slipping jimmy Jan 04, 19:22

So you're saying you think this movie would've been far more successful without Harrison Ford in it. OK, we agree to disagree. {nm} goodvibe61 Jan 04, 20:38

not successful. better. {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 04, 20:47

OK. Again, agree to disagree. I keep thinking of some kid that's going to play Han Solo and not Ford in a prequel. No thanks. goodvibe61 Jan 04, 20:54

Kasdan + young Han Solo = gold {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 04, 20:58

We'll see. Young Indiana Jones. No thanks. This Han flick won't have these iconic actors. I wonder what it will take to get me interested. goodvibe61 Jan 04, 21:19

70MM {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 04, 21:24

Might make a difference in what version I see, but makes ZERO difference in seeing a film. Actually less than zero, since promoting that as JDolphin Jan 04, 21:50

I think there could be a lot of people interested in a Han Solo anthology. See him back in the days of the Kessel Run. How he got the Dorfman Jan 05, 04:29

explain how a unit of length became a unit of time {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 05, 10:12

It was explained in the expanded universe. He found a shortcut lol Dorfman Jan 05, 12:11

Yes. Spoilers of course. second gary Jan 05, 08:23

Luke is the Keystone, we are all set. {nm} skunkrunner Jan 04, 19:29

Luke, SHOULD, {nm} queensguy Jan 04, 19:35

Luke, SHOULD, {nm} queensguy Jan 04, 19:35

Luke SHOULD be the keystone, but Ford always carried the day, because he had the acting chops. {nm} queensguy Jan 04, 19:38

Maybe Fisher, and Hamill, can eventually pull it off, but we have a better chance with Mayew. {nm} queensguy Jan 04, 19:42

The Han Solo movie could be dicey if they don't nail him right, worry that could do the worst, Boba Fett, Yoda and Rogue One Baron_Darcon Jan 04, 22:06

We should see a lot of Bathans die. {nm} Dorfman Jan 05, 04:30

that's Rogue One {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 05, 10:14

yeah.. his post mentioned Rogue One {nm} Dorfman Jan 05, 12:13

True. {nm} second gary Jan 05, 07:22

Shoot, if those were 'acting chops" displayed by Ford in VII, I'm scared to see what Hamill has in store for us in VIII {nm} sberg23 Jan 05, 13:00

these movies are going to break records over and over IMO. the lucas famine is over, and now fans will feast upon star wars. {nm} Exogen Jan 04, 22:28

Lucas created 95% of everything that is in the Force Awakens {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 04, 22:40

the lucas famine is over. Exogen Jan 04, 22:46

he was going to make Ep VII to XI before Disney offered to buy the company {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 04, 22:49

mind sharing a source? I have extreme trouble believing that. {nm} Exogen Jan 04, 23:00

"Lucas already started to develop the next three Star Wars films, but he knew a third trilogy was a 10-year commitment at least." slipping jimmy Jan 04, 23:05

considering some other things he's said recently, I'll hope you excuse me for taking that with a massive grain of salt. {nm} Exogen Jan 04, 23:08

he literally told the same thing verbatim in the Charlie Rose interview a week ago {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 05, 00:12

Independently Marketsaw came across the sequel trilogy development about a year before the Disney deal and {nm} notfabio Jan 05, 07:07

Hamill at least has mentioned Lucas approached him and others before the Disney deal about them {nm} notfabio Jan 05, 07:08

why is it so hard for you to imagine him making all this up? do you really think he changed his mind after 2 decades of fan resentment? {nm} Exogen Jan 05, 10:17

why is it so hard for you to accept that he was. he gave the treatments to Disney. they threw them in the trash {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 05, 10:47

because they were probably trash. it doesn't matter anyway. Exogen Jan 05, 12:08

Yes, BUT House of Mouse promptly jettisoned Lucas' ideas for episode 7-9 {nm} The Force-Ghost of DTravel Jan 05, 12:38

the old characters got me in the theater, but the new characters make we want to see STAR8 and 9...and they won't be in the spinoffs {nm} tealfan Jan 04, 22:33

I liked the new characters just fine. But seeing Luke and Leia are what have me thinking about STAR8. And maybe goodvibe61 Jan 04, 23:07

I too was disappointed that there was no Lando in Episode VII. {nm} Dorfman Jan 05, 04:31

I agree, I very much enjoyed the new characters and I don't see why they can't be just as iconic as Han, Luke, and Leia someday. {nm} ingenious Jan 04, 23:26

Come on man...maybe Daisy becomes a Keira Knightley or something. But Boyega...come on now! {nm} lhayes37 Jan 05, 08:18

Boyega I thought was a bit over the top. Ridley was superb, and I liked Oscar Issac {nm} Dorfman Jan 05, 09:50

IMO people are already very invested in the new characters. Han Solo helped Episode VII, but people will go to VIII for Rey, Finn, etc., {nm} CG63 Jan 05, 08:54

+1 {nm} Dorfman Jan 05, 09:50

+1, plus Luke. Abrams is very skilled at this kind of thing, and he and a savvy 2016 Hamill can make better use of Luke than 70's Hamill {nm} FranklynStreet Jan 05, 13:22

Rian Johnson is directing Ep. VIII {nm} slipping jimmy Jan 05, 15:16

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