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outstanding list, sir...here's mine

Posted by: MrZero on Jun 29, 15:31 in response to Moviesnob's post HSX Users Best of the Century Poll - Entry post

1.) Mulholland Drive  (David Lynch, 2001)

2.) Only God Forgives  (Nicolas Winding Refn, 2013)

3.) Solaris    (Steven Soderbergh, 2002)

4.) The Dark Knight Rises  (Christopher Nolan, 2012)

5.) Casino Royale    (Martin Campbell, 2006)

6.) Zodiac   (David Fincher,  2007)

7.) The Dreamers  (Bernardo Bertolucci, 2004)

8.) The Fall  (Tarsem Singh, 2006)

9.) Spring Breakers   (Harmony Korine, 2013)

10.)  The Darjeeling Limited  ( Wes Anderson, 2007)

HSX Users Best of the Century Poll - Entry post Moviesnob Jun 29, 12:53

Let me be the first to compliment you on your REALLY WEIRD TOP 10 :-) {nm} JMT-NL Jun 29, 12:56

thanks! i think? {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 13:00

Observe and report ??? ... For one {nm} JMT-NL Jun 29, 13:11

Solid list. Plus you and I have a couple that overlap, but won't say which. My #1 isn't even on your list, and your #10 skamanfu Jun 29, 13:39

I knew O&R would be controversial. For me the whole antagonist as a hero (and how its so true to that belief) is refresing Moviesnob Jun 29, 14:11

my brother and I quote it all the time. love that film. {nm} lobogotti Jun 29, 17:06

Here's mine (inside)... joeoftexas Jun 29, 13:55

you've great, classical choices on here {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 14:24

Thanks! It was hard for me to narrow it down to a 10 "Best" selection... BTW, I also came up with a completely different "Favorites" list. {nm} joeoftexas Jun 29, 14:31

post it! I have a flash drive I take with me on trips that has 75 of my favorite "comfort movies". Moviesnob Jun 29, 14:58

Here you go (inside)... joeoftexas Jun 30, 07:19

Here's mine... TwoMisfits Jun 29, 14:13

Toy Story 3 beginning and end were great A+, the middle gets a D - can't tell you how much I hated that storyline {nm} JDolphin Jun 29, 14:36

I agree the middle of Toys 3 might need a touch more work TwoMisfits Jun 29, 15:23

I agree with you on the begin and end parts in the house, but then that's ruined for me when i think of the rest of the movie. {nm} JDolphin Jun 29, 19:40

Here's mine numbersix_99 Jun 29, 14:31

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World makes my weirdest movies of the years least but not good enough to make top 10 {nm} JDolphin Jun 29, 14:33

I could write essays on why this is the film of this generation. {nm} numbersix_99 Jun 30, 00:33

first time I saw Pilgrim I hated it. watched it again and realized it was a masterpiece. excellent film {nm} lobogotti Jun 30, 08:36

its wierd, despite *loving* rushmore and (moonrise and budapest since), i *hated* rushmore upon inital viewing. i must give it a 2nd chance {nm} islander Jun 29, 15:17

(oops i meant hated royal tennebaums) {nm} islander Jun 29, 15:18

You're not the only one:)...Royal T was a big letdown for me... {nm} TwoMisfits Jun 29, 15:25

What can I say? I think its his best attempt at mixing light/quirky and dark/serious. {nm} numbersix_99 Jun 30, 00:32

Thanks a lot! Here are mine. tatoufan Jun 29, 14:35

i feel bad leaving off dark knight. i also feel bad never having seen eternal sunshine or oldboy! {nm} islander Jun 29, 15:01

Dark Knight makes my most disappointed list (I think I gave it a C-), the other 2 are on my list to see. {nm} JDolphin Jun 29, 15:04

I had a list of about 20, and trimming it wasn't easy, but Had fun widdling the list down though. tatoufan Jun 29, 16:51

I had Memento and Inception on my possibles TwoMisfits Jun 29, 15:18

be still my heart on #8... love that film {nm} lobogotti Jun 29, 17:08

thanks, eager to see how it turns out! (mine) islander Jun 29, 14:52

great list {nm} lobogotti Jun 29, 17:09

Thanks for your list, and others, too. I'll post next week. {nm} second gary Jun 29, 15:09

Here I go (films in no particular order) CG63 Jun 29, 15:20

the only top 10 that matters slipping jimmy Jun 29, 15:24

Snob mispelled Grit in the doc. Loved Grit, and I liked but didnt love Perks, but I have it on blu so maybe ill try it again soon {nm} islander Jun 29, 18:17

fixed! {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 18:34

My Top 10 Antibody Jun 29, 15:26

outstanding list, sir...here's mine MrZero Jun 29, 15:31

Ah, "The Fall" was great, great fun. {nm} second gary Jun 29, 15:45

My Top 10 (thought I'd be the only one with Enter the Void :P ) Andre C Jun 29, 16:16

worked on this before I left and forwarded to my phone. I also included my top 2 from each year that didn't make to final 10... lobogotti Jun 29, 17:04

is this in no order or is Whiplash #1? {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 17:35

In order, sorry. {nm} lobogotti Jun 29, 17:36

so whiplash is 1, right? {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 17:45

yes {nm} lobogotti Jun 29, 17:48

awesome 2014! {nm} islander Jun 29, 17:53

so great! {nm} lobogotti Jun 29, 17:59

meant for islander {nm} lobogotti Jun 29, 17:59

A great list, and a fine solution for listing honourables. {nm} second gary Jun 29, 21:09

thank you, looking forward to yours {nm} lobogotti Jun 30, 08:05

12 entries so far. {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 18:42

if im seeing right, i see 7 movies directed/co-directed by women. not being controversial, im just saying... islander Jun 29, 19:14

City of God was directed by a man. and no, thats not controversial. theres a big disparity in opportunity between men and women {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 19:31

(wiki has Katia Lund as a co-director) {nm} islander Jun 29, 19:36

but i dont know how involved she was, or about billing, etc {nm} islander Jun 29, 19:36

no, you're right. I was unaware they shared the chair {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 19:40

My list... capitolfi Jun 29, 19:31

high five for high fidelity! (and its in your top 5 which is fitting) {nm} islander Jun 29, 19:53

I'll give it a go. goodvibe61 Jun 29, 22:05

Great list! Hey whole bloody affair. Trust me I want to add it to but since it wasn't ever released you have to pick a vol {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 23:39

Vol 1 then. {nm} goodvibe61 Jun 30, 08:17

that's what i picked too {nm} Moviesnob Jun 30, 09:52

And almost famous counts if its 2000 so you can include it {nm} Moviesnob Jun 29, 23:43

Put it at 10 then. Wow that's tough, Perros is a masterpiece. {nm} goodvibe61 Jun 30, 08:17

agree, but its been damaged a bit for me by his recent output although i really loved Revenant {nm} Moviesnob Jun 30, 09:53

A great list: nice to see "The White Ribbon" and "Michael Clayton," even on among the honourables. {nm} second gary Jun 30, 07:27

My List. thx for this ryeontherocks Jun 30, 09:27

Here's my Top 10 loveman3 Jun 30, 09:28

"Minority Report" is full of wonders. second gary Jun 30, 09:45

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