HSX Forum

CelebStock and StarBonds

Agreed. I had planned on staying away from wordpress but would be coding in php.

Posted by: theun4gven on Dec 14, 07:22 in response to lobogotti's post hey UnForgiven, I would prefer to not do it in WordPress....

It just makes reviewing the code more difficult due to the reliance on resources and functions that don't exist outside of wordpress.

RogerMore, re: your spreadsheet (from below)... edzep Dec 13, 19:35

i'm definitely willing to work with a group of people on the project.... lobogotti Dec 14, 05:42

I am available as well....I helped blueduck from time to time in a lot of the spreadsheet updates.... StarBondFund BUY NOW.. Jets 9-3 Dec 14, 06:19

i have been going over the code BlueDuck (and others) have used. a big hand to anyone who put time and effort into that project.... lobogotti Dec 14, 06:26

You are welcome. Various HSB&R personnel worked on the Bond Charts over the years. {nm} Txredd Dec 14, 12:59

you have mail {nm} lobogotti Dec 14, 06:51

I've been going through the PG code... theun4gven Dec 14, 06:28

hey UnForgiven, I would prefer to not do it in WordPress. I tried to FTP all the files to a server of mine and noticed that it requires lobogotti Dec 14, 06:39

Agreed. I had planned on staying away from wordpress but would be coding in php. theun4gven Dec 14, 07:22

I could supply frequent moral support? jane_citizen Dec 14, 07:01

I'm happy to share the spreadsheet for people to work with and put online, but I don't want to be the guy who updates/uploads it RogerMore Dec 14, 08:24

I will like a copy of that if possible. Guillo Dec 14, 10:01

It is in Excel already. I'll send it to edzep and he can make it available from his site. RogerMore Dec 14, 10:38

very cool of you Roger {nm} lobogotti Dec 14, 10:54

One more thing. I won't be including links to the HSX XML feed on which the spreadsheet is based. That's HSX's data to share, not mine. RogerMore Dec 14, 11:04

That feed is the one that gives you the bonds attachments & movie box office that HSX has? Guillo Dec 14, 11:27

Moviestock and Starbond prices. Other data, like moviestock attachments and release dates - are in the spreadsheet. {nm} RogerMore Dec 14, 11:29

And yes, ask D.Mac. I'm not sure what criteria is used for deciding whether to give the link, but I expect it has something to do with RogerMore Dec 14, 11:32

Thank you, RogerMore. Instructions will certainly help, for remembering some of the finer points. edzep Dec 14, 12:50

(...and Mr. Binns) {nm} edzep Dec 14, 13:03

You should have mail. {nm} RogerMore Dec 14, 13:32

Bounced. Re-sent. You should have it now. {nm} RogerMore Dec 14, 13:56

I think it may be bouncing because the cheesy email redirect service doesn't like the attachment. How about sending me a normal message... edzep Dec 14, 13:58

I've zipped and re-sent. I'll send a normal email just in case it doesn't make it. {nm} RogerMore Dec 14, 14:05

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Spinal Tap II (STAP2) 1999 27.43 (0.00)          Spinal Tap II (STAP2) 999 27.43 (0.00)          Dev Patel (DPATE) 24999 12.27 (-0.05)          The Fall Guy (FALGY) 135 96.12 (-3.27)          Tank Girl (TANKG) 150000 14.20 (-0.05)          Down Under Cover (DWNUC) 4000 0.57 (-0.01)          Tank Girl (TANKG) 150000 14.20 (-0.05)          Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles seq (TMNT4) 1000 69.09 (0.00)          Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles seq (TMNT4) 2000 69.09 (0.00)          Scream 7 aka Scream VII (SCRM7) 1000 39.02 (0.00)          Scream 7 aka Scream VII (SCRM7) 2000 39.02 (0.00)          Tank Girl (TANKG) 2000 14.20 (-0.05)          Tank Girl (TANKG) 5000 14.20 (-0.05)          Down Under Cover (DWNUC) 46000 0.57 (-0.01)          Planes, Trains and Automobiles (PTAUT) 1000 14.98 (+1.89)          Planes, Trains and Automobiles (PTAUT) 2000 14.98 (+1.89)          Anora (ANORA) 150000 4.68 (+0.35)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 1000 9.66 (+1.80)          Anora (ANORA) 150000 4.68 (+0.35)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 2000 9.66 (+1.80)          Unsung Hero (UNSUN) 7 19.77 (+0.23)          Trap House (TRAPH) 149999 23.62 (+0.07)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 149000 9.66 (+1.80)          Abigail (ABGAL) 33 29.72 (-0.80)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 142690 9.66 (+1.80)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 90000 9.66 (+1.80)          The Opening Weekend Fund (OPENR) 5000 98.30 (+0.02)          Eternity (ETERN) 150000 18.00 (0.00)          Dragonkeeper (DRGNK) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 150000 9.66 (+1.80)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 112.59 (+2.42)          Eternity (ETERN) 1 18.00 (0.00)          Eternity (ETERN) 150000 18.00 (0.00)          Orlando Bloom (OBLOO) 251 107.79 (-0.33)          Aisha (AISHA) 30000 0.11 (+0.07)          Spy x Family Code: White (SPYFM) 45643 12.59 (-0.64)          Thomasin McKenzie (TMCKE) 100 20.90 (-0.12)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 150000 9.66 (+1.80)          Rege-Jean Page (RPAGE) 100 33.89 (-0.12)          Scarlett Johansson (SJOHA) 5000 112.98 (+0.46)          Aisha (AISHA) 150000 0.11 (+0.07)          Nick Offerman (NOFFE) 100 48.65 (-0.19)          Michael Mann (MMANN) 250 59.75 (-0.25)          Cooper Hoffman (CHOFF) 100 5.83 (-0.10)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 1200 9.66 (+1.80)          A Quiet Place: Day One (AQPL3) 15186 132.73 (+1.17)          IF (IMGNF) 52500 147.55 (-0.08)          Eternity (ETERN) 1000 18.00 (0.00)          Eternity (ETERN) 6000 18.00 (0.00)          Eternity (ETERN) 6000 18.00 (0.00)