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Playing & Trading Strategy

Have some different answers. Here is what has worked for 2 MILL to 500 MILL in 11 Months.

Posted by: RotoHockeyYTD2012 on Dec 03, 11:56 in response to Quickslver99's post To the people that have gained half a billion a year what...

Big difference - investing heavily in StarBonds has worked exceptionally well for the ROTO YTD Port. The Port is currently 74.5% StarBonds and was around 80% StarBonds from around 30 MILL to 250 MILL. In the 2 MILL to 30 MILL range, anything over a seven (7) Day Hold is considered Long-Term. There are generally good opportunities come every StarBond Adjust. Find the highest % Gainers in the shortest time. Play Earn $HSX daily - should produce around 750K per month. This is especially important getting to 30 MILL. Once over 20 MILL, start Shorting the Limited Releases. DayTrading (BUY) produces Cash & Profits. For the most part, ignore Shorting on bad news. Leave that for the larger Ports. Buying Calls & Puts on Wednesday and Seliing them late Thursday almost always produces a Profit on both. Playing the Adjust on Fri. or Sat. and Selling / Covering Sun. can produce quick Profits and Cash with limited risk. BUY BW's once over 20 MILL. BUY NominOptions for Short-Term Hold. Same with AwardOptions. BUY TVStocks with a 1 - 4 Day Hold. The Adjust Disconnect Strategy (where there is a significant disconnect between the Stock Price and upcoming Adjust Price)can deliver Guaranteed Profits in a short time without any risk. Reset Trading (which the ROTO YTD Port does not do) can deliver extra Cash & Profits. Once over 20 MILL, BUY most MovieFunds (especially StarBonds) at their IPO Price - there are some that perform poorly.

Ignore tracking - it's a complete waste of time, IMHO. If the objective is the greatest Profits in the shortest time, tracking is completely useless.

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