
Member Since: Aug 20, 2017
Net Worth: H$1,800,854.78
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Securities Held: 5
Last Trade: Oct 5, 2017

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The Magic Faraway Tree (TMFAT) 150000 20.16 (+1.21)          September 5 (SEPT5) 150000 7.09 (-0.83)          Untitled Monsterverse Godzilla x (GOKO3) 150000 99.03 (+4.46)          Lear Rex (LEREX) 150000 11.74 (-0.03)          The Lord of the Rings: The War o (LOTR4) 150000 101.28 (-0.62)          Friendship (FNSHP) 150000 7.52 (+2.46)          The Magic Faraway Tree (TMFAT) 150000 20.16 (+1.21)          September 5 (SEPT5) 150000 7.09 (-0.83)          The Last Train From Hiroshima (TLTFH) 150000 50.37 (+5.31)          The Magic Faraway Tree (TMFAT) 150000 20.16 (+1.21)          September 5 (SEPT5) 150000 7.09 (-0.83)          Constantine 2 (CNST2) 10000 74.76 (+2.76)          Untitled Monsterverse Godzilla x (GOKO3) 150000 99.03 (+4.46)          Afraid (THEYL) 150000 13.95 (+0.10)          Nutcrackers (NTCRS) 150000 5.01 (-0.01)          The Concierge (CNCRG) 150000 1.79 (+0.01)          Guillermo Del Toro (GDELT) 25000 27.89 (+0.25)          Afraid (THEYL) 150000 13.95 (+0.10)          Friendship (FNSHP) 150000 7.52 (+2.46)          The Killer's Game (KLRGM) 150000 6.13 (-0.51)          Rush Hour 4 (RUSH4) 150000 14.00 (-0.66)          Speak No Evil (SPNOE) 150000 25.52 (-1.38)          Speak No Evil (SPNOE) 150000 25.52 (-1.38)          Mercy (MRCY1) 150000 47.95 (+0.15)          The Last Train From Hiroshima (TLTFH) 150000 50.37 (+5.31)          Pressure (PRSUR) 150000 15.00 (0.00)          Friendship (FNSHP) 150000 7.52 (+2.46)          The Gauntlet (GNTLT) 150000 39.22 (+1.54)          The Last Train From Hiroshima (TLTFH) 150000 50.37 (+5.31)          Untitled Monsterverse Godzilla x (GOKO3) 150000 99.03 (+4.46)          The Joy Luck Club 2 (TJLC2) 150000 11.84 (+0.16)          Star Trek Origin Story (TREK4) 1287 47.70 (-0.13)          Mercy (MRCY1) 150000 47.95 (+0.15)          F1 aka Untitled Formula One (FORM1) 150000 69.52 (+0.04)          Speak No Evil (SPNOE) 150000 25.52 (-1.38)          Beneath the Storm aka Untitled S (BSTRM) 150000 24.19 (+0.06)          Speak No Evil (SPNOE) 150000 25.52 (-1.38)          Speak No Evil (SPNOE) 150000 25.52 (-1.38)          The Gauntlet (GNTLT) 150000 39.22 (+1.54)          Friendship (FNSHP) 150000 7.52 (+2.46)          Dune: Part Three (DUNE3) 1 178.84 (+2.46)          Dune: Part Three (DUNE3) 5 178.84 (+2.46)          NBC: Brilliant Minds (BRLNTM) 1102 16.17 (+0.16)          Hot Wheels (HOTWH) 50000 13.75 (-0.05)          Ready or Not 2 (RONO2) 149981 12.07 (+0.05)          Beneath the Storm aka Untitled S (BSTRM) 149447 24.19 (+0.06)          Calamity Hustle (CLMTY) 148476 38.45 (+0.16)          Elio (ELIO) 150000 129.43 (+0.12)          Friendship (FNSHP) 150000 7.52 (+2.46)          Die, My Love (DIMLV) 148260 8.30 (-0.02)