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The Down Under Fund (AUSIE) 1 93.88 (-0.05)          Transformers One (TFCYB) 100 104.26 (0.00)          The Purge 6 (PURG6) 10000 12.09 (-0.06)          Transformers One (TFCYB) 150000 104.26 (0.00)          Cold Pursuit 2 (CLDP2) 150000 2.09 (-0.04)          Cold Pursuit 2 (CLDP2) 150000 2.09 (-0.04)          Joker: Folie à Deux (JOKE2) 149999 257.38 (-6.23)          Universe’s Most Wanted (UNIMW) 150000 2.05 (-0.04)          Universe’s Most Wanted (UNIMW) 150000 2.05 (-0.04)          Usher: Rendezvous in Paris (URIP) 50 5.58 (+0.01)          Jenna Ortega (JORTE) 2 57.19 (-0.16)          Brothers (BROHS) 150000 1.36 (-0.01)          Brothers (BROHS) 150000 1.36 (-0.01)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 10000 25.34 (-0.27)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 8 237.31 (+2.89)          Shrek 5 (SHRK5) 7000 128.87 (-0.04)          Joker: Folie à Deux (JOKE2) 842 257.38 (-6.23)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 10000 24.90 (+0.02)          Zatanna (ZATAN) 3 8.85 (+0.02)          Afterburn (AFBRN) 10000 17.24 (-0.06)          Zatanna (ZATAN) 3 8.85 (+0.02)          Pom Klementieff (PKLEM) 3 168.77 (-0.50)          Pom Klementieff (PKLEM) 3 168.77 (-0.50)          Sylvia Hoeks (SHOEK) 4 29.79 (-0.12)          Shrek 5 (SHRK5) 3000 128.87 (-0.04)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 36 40.49 (-0.33)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 10 40.49 (-0.33)          Fede Alvarez (FALVA) 20 62.62 (-1.25)          Dua Lipa (DLIPA) 35 98.32 (0.00)          Ben Stiller (BSTIL) 4 47.78 (+0.16)          Jonathan Bailey (JBAIL) 10 62.54 (+2.54)          Cary Fukunaga (CFUKU) 4 30.81 (+0.12)          The Down Under Fund (AUSIE) 3 93.88 (-0.05)          Final Destination 6: Bloodlines (FDES6) 3000 17.29 (0.00)          Joker: Folie à Deux (JOKE2) 4910 257.38 (-6.23)          Evil Dead Untitled (EVLD6) 3 39.21 (-0.10)          William Tell (WITEL) 149002 8.37 (-0.75)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 3 20.36 (+0.04)          Huntington (HNGTN) 3 17.87 (-0.02)          Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Ve (ASPD3) 3 206.32 (+0.01)          Kyle Gallner (KGALL) 25000 43.91 (+0.16)          Assisted Living (ASLIV) 30 1.09 (+0.03)          Shrek 5 (SHRK5) 10000 128.87 (-0.04)          Bambi (BAMBI) 3 27.36 (+0.03)          Batgirl (BATGR) 15 2.81 (+0.04)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 64000 237.31 (+2.89)          Dirty Dancing sequel (DANC3) 4 29.03 (-0.10)          The Aliens Are Stealing Our Weed (AASOW) 7000 0.14 (-0.01)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 25 83.94 (-2.04)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 3 435.15 (+0.01)