Asphalt City (BLKFL) 8000 0.72 (0.00)          Problemista (PRBLM) 8000 2.59 (0.00)          Parallel (PRLEL) 4000 0.06 (+0.01)          Housekeeping for Beginners (HKFBG) 7000 0.49 (-0.01)          Asphalt City (BLKFL) 8000 0.72 (0.00)          Problemista (PRBLM) 8000 2.59 (0.00)          Parallel (PRLEL) 8000 0.06 (+0.01)          Asphalt City (BLKFL) 8000 0.72 (0.00)          Parallel (PRLEL) 7000 0.06 (+0.01)          Problemista (PRBLM) 8000 2.59 (0.00)          Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve (STCRS) 150000 5.00 (0.00)          Sam Worthington (SWORT) 25000 81.72 (+0.50)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 14.15 (+0.20)          Femme (FEMM) 1 0.20 (0.00)          The Old Oak (OLOAK) 3 0.14 (-0.01)          Humane (HUMNE) 97 0.60 (-0.09)          Rupert Friend (RFRIE) 24000 13.52 (-0.09)          La Chimera (LCHIM) 7009 0.72 (+0.01)          The Beast (LBETE) 900 0.46 (+0.03)          We Grown Now (WGNOW) 13 0.68 (0.00)          Problemista (PRBLM) 8000 2.59 (0.00)          Parallel (PRLEL) 60000 0.06 (+0.01)          The Instigators (NSTGT) 150000 20.53 (-12.59)          Alex Garland (AGARL) 25000 32.26 (-0.12)          Alex Garland (AGARL) 25000 32.26 (-0.12)          The Instigators (NSTGT) 150000 20.53 (-12.59)          Cheech Marin (CMARI) 25000 83.26 (-1.20)          The Instigators (NSTGT) 150000 20.53 (-12.59)          Cailee Spaeny (CSPAE) 25000 31.34 (-0.12)          Timothy Spall (TSPAL) 5000 4.30 (+0.09)          The Fall Guy H$50 Put (FALGY.PU) 25000 5.53 (+0.66)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 21948 161.58 (+0.08)          Jaeden Martell (JALIE) 25000 124.63 (-0.40)          Jermaine Fowler (JFOWL) 25000 11.74 (0.00)          The Return (TRETU) 150000 7.87 (+3.92)          Jesse Plemons (JPLEM) 25000 52.38 (+0.10)          The Return (TRETU) 150000 7.87 (+3.92)          Dev Patel (DPATE) 25000 10.58 (-0.43)          Dev Patel (DPATE) 25000 10.58 (-0.43)          Kirsten Dunst (KDUNS) 25000 48.05 (+0.38)          Nick Offerman (NOFFE) 25000 48.56 (+0.54)          Richard Roxburgh (RROXB) 25000 50.12 (0.00)          Bill Nighy (BNIGH) 25000 35.28 (+0.49)          Bill Nighy (BNIGH) 25000 35.28 (+0.49)          Wagner Moura (WMOUR) 25000 59.09 (+0.51)          Alia Shawkat (ASHAW) 5000 0.80 (-0.07)          Wes Ball (WBALL) 25000 95.00 (0.00)          Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve (STCRS) 150000 5.00 (0.00)          Kingdom of the Planet of the Ape (APES4) 99999 131.67 (-0.03)          Madden (MADEN) 150000 35.88 (+1.58)