THE VOW 15m Friday Feb 11, 07:49
SW13D 8.5 {nm} Feb 11, 07:51
BOG is saying $8.65 million {nm} Feb 11, 07:53
MYSTR 6.5M {nm} Feb 11, 07:51
ehh i think RREYN is the box office mofo instead...DWASH+RREYN>DWASH+CPINE {nm} Feb 11, 08:03
1. THE VOW - $40 mil, 2. SAFE HOUSE - $35 mil, 3. PHANTOM MENACE 3D - $25 mil {nm} Feb 11, 08:21
And MYSTR at 20, according to them. Thanks for being on the ball with the ERC stuff, grammar. {nm} Feb 11, 08:50
I love Man on Fire, so if it half as good as that I will be happy Feb 11, 13:23