Untitled Event Film Directed by Christopher Nolan Matt Damon and Tom Holland star in a film written and...
Kanguva Suriya and Booby Deol in the Indian fantasy actioner Kanguva...
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Why in the world is this movie stock going up? Anyone?
Posted by: DeadheadTrea on May 28, 08:58 in response to Antibody's post DL: Director Albert Hughes is exiting [AKIRA]
Nobody is attached to this project. IDK why people are buying...
DL: Director Albert Hughes is exiting [AKIRA] Antibody May 26, 12:46
G-d Damnit. The world needs more Hughes Brothers films...even if it's only half of them. tawdryhepburn May 26, 13:20
Why in the world is this movie stock going up? Anyone? DeadheadTrea May 28, 08:58
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