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What did he actually say? Was there any new information? There's a bunch of stuff here...

Posted by: RogerMore on Apr 06, 10:45 in response to cruznsquaw's post Daniel Wilson was talking about the movie AND the...

As JDolphin and Roto said (and also me, in response to your original post that was scrubbed) you only tag a moviestock is there is new information.  So what information did the author give in the interview, and is it new?

On top of that, authors frequently don't have much involvement in movies based on their works.  So the book's author might not know much about what's going on - except that he's sold off the movie rights including sequels.  Has a decision about a sequel even been made? If not, why is he talking about it?

Also, you posted a link to a video interview, without any information about what was said in it beyond "it's an interview with the author".  Time is precious, and I know that I didn't want to skip through a three-hour long video to figure out whether it had information that was worth watching. (Not that this was a reason behind it being scrubbed - but saying "check out the third hour" isn't useful to people who want to know something in thirty seconds or less)

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