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Whisper Numbers: Lone Survivor should prevail on top.

Four films in limited release with Oscar aspirations expand wide this weekend at the box office led by Lone Survivor [LSURV] starring Mark Wahlberg [MWAHL]. The R-rated action drama is based on the true story of an ill-fated U.S. Navy SEAL mission in Afghanistan. Universal has played up the heroism in its marketing campaign, while the real-life lone survivor Marcus Luttrell has been making the publicity rounds with director Peter Berg [PEBER]. Two years ago, Act of Valor featuring real-life SEALs debuted with $24.5 million, though in the less crowded late February. Football playoffs and a really cold winter could hold back some of the mainstream audiences.  Playing in 2786 theaters, Lone Survivor could pull out $20 million.

Not even the ‘polar vortex’ could cool down Frozen [FROZE.BW], which is likely to finished second in its eighth week with another $12 million.

After earning $3 million in 3 weeks of limited release, Her [HERSJ] expands wide into 1729 theaters. Joaquin Phoenix [JPHOE] plays a man who falls in love with the artificial female voice of his smartphone.  Directed by Spike Jonze [SJONZ], the offbeat drama has earned rave reviews and critical awards. With buzz among hipsters yound and old, Her could download $9 million.

Summit slotted the low-budgeted The Legend of Hercules [HRCLB] into release just two months ago to beat Paramount’s big-budgeted Hercules. Although Kellan Lutz [KLUTZ] appeared in the Twilight series, he lacks any drawing starpower.  Marketed as Gladiator meets 300, the R-rated actioner will only appeal to young men. Playing in 2104 theaters, The Legend of Hercules may grab $6 million.

As with most horror sequels, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones [OXNRD] looks to drop around 60% in its second session to around $7 million.

The two other acclaimed films expanding wide this weekend are courting older moviegoers. August, Osage County [AUGOC] starring Meryl Streep [MSTRE] and Julia Roberts [JROBE] may gather $6 million from 905 locations. Inside Llewyn Davis [INSLD] directed by the Coen brothers [COEN] could tune up $3 million from 729 theaters.

That’s the whisper from the virtual trading floor.


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By Box Office Whisperer on Thursday, January 9, 2014 @ 04:01 PM 2642 views

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Mary J. Blige (MJBLI) 1 27.25 (+0.12)          Mark Wahlberg (MWAHL) 1 49.46 (-0.16)          Chris Hemsworth (CHEMS) 20 123.60 (0.00)          Marc Maron (MMARO) 1 72.73 (0.00)          Channing Tatum (CTATU) 40 67.08 (+0.50)          Sebastian Stan (SSTAN) 6 52.03 (0.00)          Kensuke's Kingdom (KENSK) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Daniel Radcliffe (DRADC) 7 29.99 (-0.25)          Kristen Wiig (KWIIG) 1 94.23 (-0.25)          Dove Cameron (DCAME) 3 18.71 (0.00)          The Incredible Hulk vs. Wolverin (THLK2) 150000 57.93 (-0.34)          Bella Thorne (BTHOR) 6 17.14 (0.00)          The Beast Within (TBWIN) 150000 1.11 (-0.02)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 10 176.94 (+0.50)          Wildwood (WILDW) 150000 6.91 (+0.61)          Bagman (BAGMA) 150000 12.91 (+4.59)          The Gauntlet (GNTLT) 2500 41.34 (-1.76)          The Gauntlet (GNTLT) 42690 41.34 (-1.76)          The Gauntlet (GNTLT) 107310 41.34 (-1.76)          The Gauntlet (GNTLT) 150000 41.34 (-1.76)          Kensuke's Kingdom (KENSK) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          It Ends With Us H$25 Call (ITEND.CA) 25000 2.57 (+0.02)          It Ends With Us - Opening Weeken (ITEND.OW) 100000 26.35 (-0.12)          Nia Long (NLONG) 20000 26.14 (+0.35)          Nia Long (NLONG) 25000 26.14 (+0.35)          The Lord of the Rings: The War o (LOTR4) 164 128.84 (+0.20)          The Gauntlet (GNTLT) 150000 41.34 (-1.76)          Kensuke's Kingdom (KENSK) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          I’m Still Here (IMSHR) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Eureka (EURKA) 150000 0.82 (-0.18)          Christmas Karma (CHKRM) 150000 7.33 (-0.67)          Bagman (BAGMA) 5155 12.91 (+4.59)          Scream 7 aka Scream VII (SCRM7) 150000 35.69 (+0.77)          Twisters (TWIS2) 500 198.50 (-2.16)          Bagman (BAGMA) 144845 12.91 (+4.59)          Wildwood (WILDW) 150000 6.91 (+0.61)          Twisters (TWIS2) 500 198.50 (-2.16)          Trap (TRAP) 49727 60.51 (-0.95)          Twisters (TWIS2) 9000 198.50 (-2.16)          Bagman (BAGMA) 83975 12.91 (+4.59)          Florence Pugh (FPUGH) 28 137.79 (-1.33)          Scream 7 aka Scream VII (SCRM7) 49727 35.69 (+0.77)          Borderlands (BRDLN) 150000 59.72 (-0.53)          Bagman (BAGMA) 64890 12.91 (+4.59)          Azrael (AZRAL) 150000 3.85 (-0.88)          Twisters (TWIS2) 5500 198.50 (-2.16)          K-Pop: Demon Hunters (KPOPD) 150000 5.48 (+0.06)          Deadpool & Wolverine (DEAD3) 150000 421.73 (+4.09)          Michael (MJACK) 500 68.44 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 49727 24.76 (+1.27)