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If there are a lot of comments to look at, one uses the link for More Comments. Once there, there's no way back to the main league page. {nm}

Posted by: edzep on Sep 09, 10:56 in response to Antibody's post Isn't the comments on the league's home page?

re leagues, if you're viewing the comment page, it'd be nice to have a link to take you back to that league's home page, I didn't see one. {nm} cabri Sep 07, 17:47

Isn't the comments on the league's home page? {nm} Antibody Sep 09, 10:03

If there are a lot of comments to look at, one uses the link for More Comments. Once there, there's no way back to the main league page. edzep Sep 09, 10:56

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Chris Hemsworth (CHEMS) 1 136.82 (-2.50)          The Watchers H$15 Put (WATCS.PU) 25000 3.08 (-0.19)          Crime 101 (CRIM1) 1 36.13 (-0.18)          Jack O'Connell (JAOCO) 25000 5.52 (+0.05)          District 10 (DIS10) 150000 17.74 (+0.04)          Chris Hemsworth (CHEMS) 25000 136.82 (-2.50)          Chris Hemsworth (CHEMS) 25000 136.82 (-2.50)          Distant (DISTN) 100000 11.36 (+0.02)          Ezra (INAPB) 150000 4.83 (-0.96)          Ezra (INAPB) 150000 4.83 (-0.96)          Distant (DISTN) 150000 11.36 (+0.02)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Wolfs (WOLFS) 150000 62.47 (+0.45)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Dirty Angels (DRTYA) 150000 7.07 (+0.07)          Front Room (FRTRM) 150000 7.19 (+2.36)          Die, My Love (DIMLV) 150000 6.84 (-0.11)          Devara Part 1 (DEVAR) 150000 5.87 (-0.05)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 140000 7.93 (-1.42)          Desert Warrior (DSRTW) 150000 2.03 (0.00)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 10000 7.93 (-1.42)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 150000 16.83 (+2.51)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 149999 16.83 (+2.51)          Wicked (WICKD) 75000 156.47 (-0.95)          Wicked (WICKD) 25000 156.47 (-0.95)          The Dead Don't Hurt (TDDH) 150000 1.90 (-0.17)          Ezra (INAPB) 150000 4.83 (-0.96)          Freaky Friday 2 (FREK2) 50000 49.47 (+0.16)          Fancy Dance (FNCYD) 150000 0.17 (-0.08)          Fancy Dance (FNCYD) 150000 0.17 (-0.08)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 62378 40.00 (0.00)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 150000 7.93 (-1.42)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 150000 7.93 (-1.42)          Front Room (FRTRM) 150000 7.19 (+2.36)          Front Room (FRTRM) 150000 7.19 (+2.36)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 150000 16.83 (+2.51)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 150000 16.83 (+2.51)          Aang: The Last Airbender (ATLA1) 150000 41.11 (-0.46)          I Know What You Did Last Summer (IKNO4) 150000 25.14 (+0.18)          Wildcat (WLDCT) 150000 0.72 (-0.02)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Uproar (UPROA) 150000 0.38 (-0.10)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Wildcat (WLDCT) 150000 0.72 (-0.02)          Weekend in Taipei (WKNTP) 150000 12.02 (+0.09)          Fly Me to the Moon (PARTM) 150000 64.00 (-1.97)          Uproar (UPROA) 150000 0.38 (-0.10)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 150000 16.83 (+2.51)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 150000 16.83 (+2.51)          The Man in My Basement (TMIMB) 150000 3.84 (+0.07)