The Trip A remake of the Norwegian thriller I Onde Dager, The Trip stars Jason Segel and Samara Weaving as a couple who head...
Babymetal Legend - 43 The Movie The concert film Babymetal Legend - 43 The Movie captures the final show of the Japanese band's 25-country world...
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Rocky IV
Redline (RDLIN)
Die Hard
The Ninth Gate (NINTH)
Wall Street
Nikki Reed (NIREE)
Clint Eastwood (CEAST)
Eva Mendes (EMEND)
Chris Rock (CROCK)
Mary Elizabeth Winstead (MEWIN)
Samuel L. Jackson (SLJAC)
Kevin James (KJAME)
Sylvester Stallone (SSTAL)
Bruce Willis (BWILL)
Oliver Stone (OSTON)
Spike Lee (SLEE)
Sly Stallone
Wes Craven (WCRAV)
Clive Barker
Masters of the Universe (admin)
The League of Movie Goers (admin)
Movies – Jan 4, 2010
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