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Ghostbusters 3 Is Going To Happen With A New Team Like Star Trek According To Dan Aykroyd

Posted by: RDLee on Jul 04, 20:41


In an appearance on WGN Morning News, Dan Aykroyd re-affirmed that Ghostbusters 3 is moving forward with a new cast. Dan Aykroyd said, “Yeah, it’s going to happen. In fact, it’s so far along now that there are industrial trade secrets in the script that I can’t even talk about, billion dollar trade secrets. I can’t say anything about them.”

Aykroyd added, “Some of the stuff, the props, the new equipment, the story, what’s going on in physics today is going to help us a lot…our plotting, and we’re going to recruit a whole new generation of Ghostbusters.”

When asked if any of the other originals would be returning, Dan Aykroyd said, “Think Star Trek.” Of course, the answer “Think Star Trek” might be even more confusing. Does Aykroyd mean like Star Trek The Next Generation, where Ghostbusters 3 would be an entire new generation of Ghostbusters? Or does he mean like the recent J.J. Abrams Star Trek reboot, which replaces the cast with an entirely new set of actors?

Rick Moranis did recently mention that someone associated with Dan Aykroyd had called him about Ghostbusters 3. Hopefully, the members of the original cast that are willing to return will be allowed to return. Of course, Bill Murray is likely still not willing.

Ghostbusters 3 Is Going To Happen With A New Team Like Star Trek According To Dan Aykroyd RDLee Jul 04, 20:41

Y'mean starring CPINE, ZQUIN and JCHO? ZSALD replacing SWEAV? {nm} Buy BONDS 20 Jul 04, 20:43

Perhaps plausible lookalikes playing younger versions of the same Ghostbuster characters. Quinto was a near dead ringer for Nimoy. {nm} KalElFan Jul 04, 20:50

Maybe the de-aging takes place during the movie, except for Murray if he doesn't sign. :-) Then just the younger actors for sequels. {nm} KalElFan Jul 04, 20:53

Is there an older active moviestock than GHST3? Seriously, it turns 15 the week after next. {nm} RogerMore Jul 04, 20:51

PINK2 it looks like, by 5 days? :-) {nm} KalElFan Jul 04, 20:56

Sorry, 3 days. :-) {nm} KalElFan Jul 04, 20:57

I'm maxed on PINK2, don't know what to buy next. {nm} dukarama Jul 05, 07:03

Ditto SequelsFund Jul 05, 10:10

Well, a calendar rumor has it that there may be a certain IPO today. Just sayin'. :-) {nm} KalElFan Jul 06, 02:01

Mortal Kombat 3 is just two days younger than GHST3 stevie1der328 Jul 05, 13:00

Just as long as there isn't a Bad Robot involved. {nm} DTravel Jul 04, 22:30

In previous interviews, he's talked about a "new generation" of ghost busters to pick up the mantle from the old guys. {nm} Paul2k Jul 05, 08:50

Yep, a reboot but his Star Trek reference hints the transition may be "explained" somehow in the movie like old / young Spock. {nm} KalElFan Jul 06, 02:08

So e.g. maybe younger actors playing the "iconic" originals Venkman, Ray, Dana, and Spengler http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087332/ {nm} KalElFan Jul 06, 02:15

this definitely happens if Legendary goes to Sony {nm} robb1138 Jul 05, 12:14

True, especially if the "iconic" CHARACTERS is the concept, allowing the older actors to pass the torch unless one older actor... {nm} KalElFan Jul 06, 02:18

ahem Murray won't do it, in which case Venkman gets de-aged to start the movie. It's a neat way to minimize the loss of Murray IMO. {nm} KalElFan Jul 06, 02:20

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