HSX Forum


MEW: new specific target production start date NUTFR]

Posted by: monsieurcinema on Sep 03, 08:03

The Nutcracker And The Four Realms
CATEGORY: Feature Film
GENRE: Drama / Family / Fantasy
SHOOT DATE: October, 2016

On Christmas Eve, a young girl finds a Nutcracker doll among the family's gifts and is charged by her parents to take special care of it. Under the cover of darkness, the Nutcracker comes to life, along with an evil Mouse King with seven heads, introducing the girl to the magical world of toys and the brave Nutcracker who will change her life forever.

MEW: new specific target production start date NUTFR] monsieurcinema Sep 03, 08:03

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** monsieurcinema Sep 03, 08:03

that was already posted and tagged 6/18/16 {nm} RazorHawk Sep 03, 08:15

oupsy {nm} monsieurcinema Sep 03, 08:29

nutfr {nm} DiNar0 Sep 05, 13:04

??? {nm} DiNar0 Sep 05, 13:04

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