The Force (TFORC) 18 0.63 (-0.01)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 16000 125.07 (+1.32)          The Force (TFORC) 18 0.63 (-0.01)          Transformers 8 (TFRM8) 3 95.77 (+0.09)          The Invite (TINVT) 3 16.48 (+0.02)          Matt Bettinelli-Olpin (MBETT) 25000 51.81 (-0.07)          The Housewife (THSWF) 3 7.21 (+0.01)          Barry Pepper (BPEPP) 20000 19.52 (-2.19)          The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 (MARI2) 6 345.64 (+2.05)          The Roses (TROSE) 1 21.16 (-0.02)          Zatanna (ZATAN) 10 10.10 (-0.09)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 12 125.07 (+1.32)          The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 (MARI2) 1000 345.64 (+2.05)          Melissa Barrera (MBARR) 25000 48.89 (+0.08)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 2 46.56 (0.00)          Henry Golding (HGOLD) 25000 34.56 (-6.50)          The Princess Diaries 3 (PDIA3) 3 9.88 (+0.02)          Pokemon: Detective Pikachu 2 (PIKA2) 3 33.77 (+0.06)          Heads of State (HDSST) 3000 18.40 (+0.02)          Barry Pepper (BPEPP) 25000 19.52 (-2.19)          Hitpig (HITPG) 35698 3.97 (+2.76)          Outcome (OUTCM) 3 20.62 (-0.02)          The Toxic Avenger (TOXAV) 3000 11.66 (+0.03)          Matt Dillon (MDILL) 25000 11.99 (-0.10)          Bill Nighy (BNIGH) 25000 27.92 (-0.50)          G.I. Joe sequel (GIJO4) 3 25.30 (-0.03)          G.I. Joe sequel (GIJO4) 3 25.30 (-0.03)          IF (IMGNF) 150000 137.60 (-1.77)          Alan Ritchson (ARITC) 20518 66.26 (-16.22)          Kathryn Newton (KNEWT) 25000 80.42 (+0.66)          Huntington (HNGTN) 3 15.30 (+0.04)          Josh Lucas (JLUCA) 25000 49.86 (-0.16)          Hello Kitty (HLOKT) 3 16.64 (+0.01)          The Exorcist: Deceiver (TEXO2) 150000 27.70 (-0.23)          Regina King (RKING) 25000 32.15 (-0.12)          Kathryn Newton (KNEWT) 25000 80.42 (+0.66)          Henry Cavill (HCAVI) 25000 152.81 (+0.67)          Downton Abbey 3 (DWTA3) 24 28.92 (-0.64)          The Exorcist: Deceiver (TEXO2) 150000 27.70 (-0.23)          Hitpig (HITPG) 150000 3.97 (+2.76)          Luca Guadagnino (LGUAD) 25000 10.16 (+0.25)          Eddington (EDNGT) 3 19.99 (+0.04)          Hitpig (HITPG) 150000 3.97 (+2.76)          Jamie Foxx (JFOXX) 25000 80.32 (-0.50)          Riley Keough (RKEOU) 25000 1.60 (-0.91)          Challengers (CHALN) 149033 45.28 (-0.63)          Julian Dennison (JDENN) 25000 106.27 (-0.33)          In the Hand of Dante (ITHOD) 3 16.13 (+0.01)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 50000 15.23 (+1.18)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 50000 15.23 (+1.18)