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Which means what?? Whites are racists and blacks are unpatriotic? LOL Gee what a fun thread this has been to read tonight...not {nm}

Posted by: Dorfman on Jan 11, 19:32 in response to charlie's post and i will bet you that the split between white/black...

This 11.2 Million opening for Selma is definitely underwhelming. People don't seem to care about it much. And Sniper could seal its fate now goodvibe61 Jan 11, 12:18

white people will always take soothing jingoism over the uncomfortable history of America's racism, it's true {nm} charlie Jan 11, 12:21

This a ridiculous and offensive generalization. {nm} UNIVXFund Jan 11, 12:57

i look forward to being proved wrong by white moviegoers charlie Jan 11, 13:04

Neither TAKE3 or SELMA were remotely appealing enough to get me into a theater. This does not make me a racist. {nm} UNIVXFund Jan 11, 13:09

you have LOTS of black friends! {nm} charlie Jan 11, 13:13

Empty logic followed by personal attack. Have a nice day. {nm} UNIVXFund Jan 11, 13:16

you get upset at that but don't get upset at Stereotypical blacks like Kevin hart or Tyler perry. right. {nm} thedudeman2222 Jan 11, 13:39

i'm not upset, just giving my theory on why Selma would underperform compared to other non-controversial Oscar movies {nm} charlie Jan 11, 13:48

Like 12 years a slave? How well did The Help do again? {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:27

12 Years a Slave only managed $52 million total, far lower than many other Best Picture winners. The Help was about black servants charlie Jan 11, 15:29

Who cares about color at 11 million OW? Oh wait, you do. That makes YOU the racist here. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:32

Why does caring about colour make someone racist? {nm} RogerMore Jan 11, 14:39

Um...wha? {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:44

"Who cares about color at 11 million OW? Oh wait, you do. That makes YOU the racist here" {nm} RogerMore Jan 11, 14:45

Everything! It is core to the definition. MLK fought for people to be judged by the "content of their character" and not the "color of their skin". {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:01

ignoring the color of ones skin is ignoring their history, culture and day to day existence. We dont strive to blur cultures together Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:04

No it's not. Non US countries blend just fine while still being able to discuss historically significant issues to those cultures. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:08

thats simply not true. racism exists outside the US. Especially in the film industry. {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:09

I didn't say racism didn't exist elsewhere. I said history is not forgotten. Pay attention and stop changing the subject ineach response. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:11

i'm not. I'm saying that ignoring one's (or a group) skin color is robbing them of their identity. Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:16

But that day hasn't arrived yet and until it does, colour counts. Frankly, the overreactions in this thread to some low-level trolling are RogerMore Jan 11, 15:11

As much as you like to idealize, racism is not over. "black lives matter". {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 15:11

I answered the question about why color matters. You repond to me with a reminder that color matters...ok I agree with you. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:13

No, you said caring about color makes you racist. {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 15:15

OBVIOUSLY not what was meant, in context of the statement as a whole. Please! {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:21

Why do people get so defensive when talking about race? charlie's not saying you're racist, but you can't deny prejudice still exists toda. {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 14:40

All these post by charlie are impyling racism and should be scrubbed out. They are offensive. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:42

whitewashed, as it were {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:43

and yet another example. Please remove all racist post before someone gets offended. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:45

Faux outrage. Discussion of race is not racist. {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 14:46

This is not a discussion but an attack on people not choosing to watch a horrible movie by calling the world racist {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:48

"horrible movie"? so you've seen it yourself? {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:49

Oh ok. How was the Hispanic turnout at SELMA? Was it higher than the Gay and Lesbian turnout? {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:50

If this is a discussion about racism then please support your claim with facts. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:51

thank you {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:07

I don't deny it. Charlie is demonstrating it quite well. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:45

Selma is rated 99% at RT and 89% at Metacritic. what's your theory for why audiences didn't turn out more to see it? {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:48

Don't know and don't care. Why don't you ask your friends why they didn't go. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:03

But my theory, if i had one, would NOT be based on color. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:04

...or race, religion, sexual orientation... {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:06

Why not? The U.S. today is far from being colorblind. "Black lives matter". {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 15:09

Black lives that commited a crime and were then punished matters is a more accurate representation of your misguided statement {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:13

Wow. {nm} RogerMore Jan 11, 15:17

Double wow {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:22

Not so wow. That term is only used when a cop kills a black person, but somehow missing when 50 times as many blacks are killed by blacks {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 16:10

Because I don't believe the majority of americans are as shallow as you and charlie seem to believe. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:15

$40 million for a pointless Liam Neeson sequel says they are {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:18

Your bigotted logic is still not supported with facts other then your own r****t feelings. People simply wanted to see another crappy tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:22

. . . because they are shallow {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:25

i find it interesting that you are being called a bigot here, and you havent called anyone racist. {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:26

Really? Can you even read? He didnt come out and say it but he has implied it countless times with his bigotted remarks tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:31

his personal feelings are established facts in film distribution Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:35

If they just would have not broken the law and obeyed the established order then the police would have not had to tteddy286 Jan 11, 16:32

Since you can read his mind so well explain these established facts that justifies his drawing a line between races tteddy286 Jan 11, 16:35

There's only one bigot who has made incriminated himself here. {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 15:27

And this person is? {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:32

I thought this whole tread was a mere discussion about racism with no supporting facts, as per your statement {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:34

...and there you have it. Case closed. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:23

Birdman got 92 and 88, made 26 mil in it's run, Boyhood 98, 100 - 24mil total. Critically acclaimed movies often don't get viewers {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:08

boyhood played in less than 800 theaters at its widest release. {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:11

He used the critic rating to justify whjy people where racist for not seeing Selma, So I countered. {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:23

both of those never played in more than 700-800+ theaters at the height of their runs. Selma is in almost 3x as many theaters {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:12

So why did Selma get more theaters when it had lower critic rating? <sarcasm> And why should that matter? {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:19

you don't understand how being in 3x as many theaters gives you 3x the potential box office returns? {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:21

And Selma made 4x times the money on OW. Movies are overhyped all the time. {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:37

Not going to see a movie in the winter about a subject that's been around for 50 yrs does not make you racist {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:38

He never said it does {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:39

He said "White people" instead of just people that implies racism for many. But I realize now that was troll bait so I JDolphin Jan 11, 16:07

and yet plenty of moviegoers have paid a lot of money to see Louis Zamperini's story in winter, which has been around for 70 years {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:45

I've never heard of Louis Zamperini before and I'd bet most other people haven't either. {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 16:04

Hollywood has been trying to make a movie version since the 50s and Unbroken sold millions of copies {nm} charlie Jan 11, 16:06

Exactly my point - people don't know the Unbroken story so they went to see it, people know the Selma story so they didn't see it {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 16:15

b/c you're comparing apples (saturated releases) and oranges (limited releases). {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:21

862 theaters is not limited (or saturated) but enough that if people wanted to they could have seen it - and yet they chose not to, despite JDolphin Jan 11, 15:51

then you're the only person who thinks boyhood didnt maximize its audience. Its considered a major arthouse hit {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:54

I didn't mean it wasn't a hit. But if you are going to use Critic ratings to complain why people didn't go see a movie in a 2000 theater JDolphin Jan 11, 16:25

its not an exact science theater count, what theaters and total box office defines arthouse releases, not content Moviesnob Jan 11, 16:43

862 v. 2179. you've been playing this game long enough to know that theater counts matter in terms of total potential box office {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:55

really? Hercules - 2104 theaters made 18 mil boxoffice. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 16:39

+1 {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:50

Apparently not many black people went to see it, either. Are they racist, too? {nm} RupertPupkin Jan 11, 13:08

"Earlier opening numbers showed those theaters with larger African-American appeal were outpacing big-city platform theaters . . . charlie Jan 11, 14:15

+1 {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:02

i am not sue it has anything to do with race. However, another biopic...*yawn*. {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 14:03

white dude biopics this season: Unbroken ($101m); Imitation Game ($40m); Theory of Everything ($26m); American Sniper ($3m in 4 theaters) charlie Jan 11, 14:10

they keep on cranking them out.....plenty to choose from. {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 14:15

2 of those stories are new to the public, like American Sniper. {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 14:16

Hollywood has never made a movie about MLK before charlie Jan 11, 14:18

That doesn't make the MLK story any newer. The American public has heard it before. I have a dream speech has tatoufan Jan 11, 14:32

that was at the March on Washington, not the Selma march {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:35

(but since America has heard it all before, you obviously knew that) {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:37

JOBS 15 mil. If PEOPLE. Are interested, they will go see it, if they are not, they won't. PERIOD. The only color that matters is green. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:38

black PEOPLE are clearly interested in seeing it charlie Jan 11, 14:39

At 11 million, not so much. Clearly their interest was not stong enough to get them to the theatres. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:43

oh, really? black PEOPLE are clearly interested in seeing it [Posted by charlie (a.k.a mickpix) on Jan 11, 14:39] white PEOPLE not so much {nm} Initech Jan 11, 19:25

I'm totally with you. I hate it when other people don't spend their money the way I think they should. {nm} MattW Jan 11, 14:51

I plan to see it on dvd, so that makes me only part racist. (I havent seen those white dude biopics either, so I hate myself?) {nm} islander Jan 11, 15:06

If that makes you a racist then I am one as well. I refude to pay 13.00 to see this when I will watch it on dvd with my friends and family {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:15

the DVD will cost you more than $13.00 {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:20

but more then one person can watch it. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:36

Properly moderated, this thread would be half as long and look like this {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:39

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:40

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:40

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:40

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:42

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:40

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:41

You mean... with your posts deleted? {nm} RogerMore Jan 11, 19:36

I think it'll have much better than average legs, but yeah an eleven million start isn't a very big base to decline from. MattW Jan 11, 12:34

Stock way down for the awards season. Oprah going down again this yr. Academy rejected The Butler now Selma limping. {nm} lhayes37 Jan 11, 13:14

I agree with you on Oprah and The Butler. The movie was outstanding and amazing. And I think she did a fantastic job tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:41

maybe it gets a birthday boost next weekend.... {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 15:34

If Tyler Perry had directed it, it would've done 20 mill. {nm} Hersheybar Jan 11, 13:57

If Spielberg...if... Maybe people are just sick of biopics. {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 14:09

Spielberg directed a biopic about white politicians freeing the slaves. audiences loved it {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:02

It's an Oscar contender. This is the type of movie that needs the nominations to really draw an audience. Pay attention to it's legs! {nm} leo21 Jan 11, 15:32

Not so much - ignore the content and look at how other movies have done on this weekend in past years - 5000 PTA vs 6000 {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:57

Audience demos from BOM. Kinda proves your assumptions are invalid... Initech Jan 11, 17:12

Source is BOG, link included... Initech Jan 11, 17:14

what are the breakdowns for American Sniper? {nm} charlie Jan 11, 17:37

Irrelevant. You said 'white people' (your words) didn't (or won't) go see SELMA. You are wrong. {nm} Initech Jan 11, 19:07

that's not what i said at all. i said, given a choice, they'll take a movie that makes them feel good about killing middle-easterners over charlie Jan 11, 19:14

oh, really? black PEOPLE are clearly interested in seeing it [Posted by charlie (a.k.a mickpix) on Jan 11, 14:39] white PEOPLE not so much {nm} Initech Jan 11, 19:26

and i will bet you that the split between white/black audiences for American Sniper is far greater than Selma's {nm} charlie Jan 11, 19:30

Which means what?? Whites are racists and blacks are unpatriotic? LOL Gee what a fun thread this has been to read tonight...not Dorfman Jan 11, 19:32

Which means what?? Whites are racists and blacks are unpatriotic? LOL Gee what a fun thread this has been to read tonight...not {nm} Dorfman Jan 11, 19:32

I would love to continue to feed the troll, but I have run out of righteous indignation. {nm} Initech Jan 11, 19:36

Happily NOT going to read any of the above :-) {nm} JMT-NL Jan 11, 23:38

It took me a while to read all last night. Some was quite humorous.. Most just childish. Course I can't really say much about childish Dorfman Jan 12, 05:35

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