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"Who cares about color at 11 million OW? Oh wait, you do. That makes YOU the racist here" {nm}

Posted by: RogerMore on Jan 11, 14:45 in response to PVL Admin's post Um...wha?

This 11.2 Million opening for Selma is definitely underwhelming. People don't seem to care about it much. And Sniper could seal its fate now goodvibe61 Jan 11, 12:18

white people will always take soothing jingoism over the uncomfortable history of America's racism, it's true {nm} charlie Jan 11, 12:21

This a ridiculous and offensive generalization. {nm} UNIVXFund Jan 11, 12:57

i look forward to being proved wrong by white moviegoers charlie Jan 11, 13:04

Neither TAKE3 or SELMA were remotely appealing enough to get me into a theater. This does not make me a racist. {nm} UNIVXFund Jan 11, 13:09

you have LOTS of black friends! {nm} charlie Jan 11, 13:13

Empty logic followed by personal attack. Have a nice day. {nm} UNIVXFund Jan 11, 13:16

you get upset at that but don't get upset at Stereotypical blacks like Kevin hart or Tyler perry. right. {nm} thedudeman2222 Jan 11, 13:39

i'm not upset, just giving my theory on why Selma would underperform compared to other non-controversial Oscar movies {nm} charlie Jan 11, 13:48

Like 12 years a slave? How well did The Help do again? {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:27

12 Years a Slave only managed $52 million total, far lower than many other Best Picture winners. The Help was about black servants charlie Jan 11, 15:29

Who cares about color at 11 million OW? Oh wait, you do. That makes YOU the racist here. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:32

Why does caring about colour make someone racist? {nm} RogerMore Jan 11, 14:39

Um...wha? {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:44

"Who cares about color at 11 million OW? Oh wait, you do. That makes YOU the racist here" RogerMore Jan 11, 14:45

Everything! It is core to the definition. MLK fought for people to be judged by the "content of their character" and not the "color of their skin". {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:01

ignoring the color of ones skin is ignoring their history, culture and day to day existence. We dont strive to blur cultures together Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:04

No it's not. Non US countries blend just fine while still being able to discuss historically significant issues to those cultures. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:08

thats simply not true. racism exists outside the US. Especially in the film industry. {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:09

I didn't say racism didn't exist elsewhere. I said history is not forgotten. Pay attention and stop changing the subject ineach response. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:11

i'm not. I'm saying that ignoring one's (or a group) skin color is robbing them of their identity. Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:16

But that day hasn't arrived yet and until it does, colour counts. Frankly, the overreactions in this thread to some low-level trolling are RogerMore Jan 11, 15:11

As much as you like to idealize, racism is not over. "black lives matter". {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 15:11

I answered the question about why color matters. You repond to me with a reminder that color matters...ok I agree with you. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:13

No, you said caring about color makes you racist. {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 15:15

OBVIOUSLY not what was meant, in context of the statement as a whole. Please! {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:21

Why do people get so defensive when talking about race? charlie's not saying you're racist, but you can't deny prejudice still exists toda. {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 14:40

All these post by charlie are impyling racism and should be scrubbed out. They are offensive. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:42

whitewashed, as it were {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:43

and yet another example. Please remove all racist post before someone gets offended. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:45

Faux outrage. Discussion of race is not racist. {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 14:46

This is not a discussion but an attack on people not choosing to watch a horrible movie by calling the world racist {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:48

"horrible movie"? so you've seen it yourself? {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:49

Oh ok. How was the Hispanic turnout at SELMA? Was it higher than the Gay and Lesbian turnout? {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:50

If this is a discussion about racism then please support your claim with facts. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:51

thank you {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:07

I don't deny it. Charlie is demonstrating it quite well. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:45

Selma is rated 99% at RT and 89% at Metacritic. what's your theory for why audiences didn't turn out more to see it? {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:48

Don't know and don't care. Why don't you ask your friends why they didn't go. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:03

But my theory, if i had one, would NOT be based on color. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:04

...or race, religion, sexual orientation... {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:06

Why not? The U.S. today is far from being colorblind. "Black lives matter". {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 15:09

Black lives that commited a crime and were then punished matters is a more accurate representation of your misguided statement {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:13

Wow. {nm} RogerMore Jan 11, 15:17

Double wow {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:22

Not so wow. That term is only used when a cop kills a black person, but somehow missing when 50 times as many blacks are killed by blacks {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 16:10

Because I don't believe the majority of americans are as shallow as you and charlie seem to believe. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:15

$40 million for a pointless Liam Neeson sequel says they are {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:18

Your bigotted logic is still not supported with facts other then your own r****t feelings. People simply wanted to see another crappy tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:22

. . . because they are shallow {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:25

i find it interesting that you are being called a bigot here, and you havent called anyone racist. {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:26

Really? Can you even read? He didnt come out and say it but he has implied it countless times with his bigotted remarks tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:31

his personal feelings are established facts in film distribution Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:35

If they just would have not broken the law and obeyed the established order then the police would have not had to tteddy286 Jan 11, 16:32

Since you can read his mind so well explain these established facts that justifies his drawing a line between races tteddy286 Jan 11, 16:35

There's only one bigot who has made incriminated himself here. {nm} Antibody Jan 11, 15:27

And this person is? {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:32

I thought this whole tread was a mere discussion about racism with no supporting facts, as per your statement {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:34

...and there you have it. Case closed. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:23

Birdman got 92 and 88, made 26 mil in it's run, Boyhood 98, 100 - 24mil total. Critically acclaimed movies often don't get viewers {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:08

boyhood played in less than 800 theaters at its widest release. {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:11

He used the critic rating to justify whjy people where racist for not seeing Selma, So I countered. {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:23

both of those never played in more than 700-800+ theaters at the height of their runs. Selma is in almost 3x as many theaters {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:12

So why did Selma get more theaters when it had lower critic rating? <sarcasm> And why should that matter? {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:19

you don't understand how being in 3x as many theaters gives you 3x the potential box office returns? {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:21

And Selma made 4x times the money on OW. Movies are overhyped all the time. {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:37

Not going to see a movie in the winter about a subject that's been around for 50 yrs does not make you racist {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:38

He never said it does {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:39

He said "White people" instead of just people that implies racism for many. But I realize now that was troll bait so I JDolphin Jan 11, 16:07

and yet plenty of moviegoers have paid a lot of money to see Louis Zamperini's story in winter, which has been around for 70 years {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:45

I've never heard of Louis Zamperini before and I'd bet most other people haven't either. {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 16:04

Hollywood has been trying to make a movie version since the 50s and Unbroken sold millions of copies {nm} charlie Jan 11, 16:06

Exactly my point - people don't know the Unbroken story so they went to see it, people know the Selma story so they didn't see it {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 16:15

b/c you're comparing apples (saturated releases) and oranges (limited releases). {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:21

862 theaters is not limited (or saturated) but enough that if people wanted to they could have seen it - and yet they chose not to, despite JDolphin Jan 11, 15:51

then you're the only person who thinks boyhood didnt maximize its audience. Its considered a major arthouse hit {nm} Moviesnob Jan 11, 15:54

I didn't mean it wasn't a hit. But if you are going to use Critic ratings to complain why people didn't go see a movie in a 2000 theater JDolphin Jan 11, 16:25

its not an exact science theater count, what theaters and total box office defines arthouse releases, not content Moviesnob Jan 11, 16:43

862 v. 2179. you've been playing this game long enough to know that theater counts matter in terms of total potential box office {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:55

really? Hercules - 2104 theaters made 18 mil boxoffice. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 16:39

+1 {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 14:50

Apparently not many black people went to see it, either. Are they racist, too? {nm} RupertPupkin Jan 11, 13:08

"Earlier opening numbers showed those theaters with larger African-American appeal were outpacing big-city platform theaters . . . charlie Jan 11, 14:15

+1 {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 15:02

i am not sue it has anything to do with race. However, another biopic...*yawn*. {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 14:03

white dude biopics this season: Unbroken ($101m); Imitation Game ($40m); Theory of Everything ($26m); American Sniper ($3m in 4 theaters) charlie Jan 11, 14:10

they keep on cranking them out.....plenty to choose from. {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 14:15

2 of those stories are new to the public, like American Sniper. {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 14:16

Hollywood has never made a movie about MLK before charlie Jan 11, 14:18

That doesn't make the MLK story any newer. The American public has heard it before. I have a dream speech has tatoufan Jan 11, 14:32

that was at the March on Washington, not the Selma march {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:35

(but since America has heard it all before, you obviously knew that) {nm} charlie Jan 11, 14:37

JOBS 15 mil. If PEOPLE. Are interested, they will go see it, if they are not, they won't. PERIOD. The only color that matters is green. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:38

black PEOPLE are clearly interested in seeing it charlie Jan 11, 14:39

At 11 million, not so much. Clearly their interest was not stong enough to get them to the theatres. {nm} PVL Admin Jan 11, 14:43

oh, really? black PEOPLE are clearly interested in seeing it [Posted by charlie (a.k.a mickpix) on Jan 11, 14:39] white PEOPLE not so much {nm} Initech Jan 11, 19:25

I'm totally with you. I hate it when other people don't spend their money the way I think they should. {nm} MattW Jan 11, 14:51

I plan to see it on dvd, so that makes me only part racist. (I havent seen those white dude biopics either, so I hate myself?) {nm} islander Jan 11, 15:06

If that makes you a racist then I am one as well. I refude to pay 13.00 to see this when I will watch it on dvd with my friends and family {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:15

the DVD will cost you more than $13.00 {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:20

but more then one person can watch it. {nm} tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:36

Properly moderated, this thread would be half as long and look like this {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:39

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:40

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:40

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:40

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:42

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:40

** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** {nm} Monkeytrader Jan 11, 18:41

You mean... with your posts deleted? {nm} RogerMore Jan 11, 19:36

I think it'll have much better than average legs, but yeah an eleven million start isn't a very big base to decline from. MattW Jan 11, 12:34

Stock way down for the awards season. Oprah going down again this yr. Academy rejected The Butler now Selma limping. {nm} lhayes37 Jan 11, 13:14

I agree with you on Oprah and The Butler. The movie was outstanding and amazing. And I think she did a fantastic job tteddy286 Jan 11, 15:41

maybe it gets a birthday boost next weekend.... {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 15:34

If Tyler Perry had directed it, it would've done 20 mill. {nm} Hersheybar Jan 11, 13:57

If Spielberg...if... Maybe people are just sick of biopics. {nm} tatoufan Jan 11, 14:09

Spielberg directed a biopic about white politicians freeing the slaves. audiences loved it {nm} charlie Jan 11, 15:02

It's an Oscar contender. This is the type of movie that needs the nominations to really draw an audience. Pay attention to it's legs! {nm} leo21 Jan 11, 15:32

Not so much - ignore the content and look at how other movies have done on this weekend in past years - 5000 PTA vs 6000 {nm} JDolphin Jan 11, 15:57

Audience demos from BOM. Kinda proves your assumptions are invalid... Initech Jan 11, 17:12

Source is BOG, link included... Initech Jan 11, 17:14

what are the breakdowns for American Sniper? {nm} charlie Jan 11, 17:37

Irrelevant. You said 'white people' (your words) didn't (or won't) go see SELMA. You are wrong. {nm} Initech Jan 11, 19:07

that's not what i said at all. i said, given a choice, they'll take a movie that makes them feel good about killing middle-easterners over charlie Jan 11, 19:14

oh, really? black PEOPLE are clearly interested in seeing it [Posted by charlie (a.k.a mickpix) on Jan 11, 14:39] white PEOPLE not so much {nm} Initech Jan 11, 19:26

and i will bet you that the split between white/black audiences for American Sniper is far greater than Selma's {nm} charlie Jan 11, 19:30

Which means what?? Whites are racists and blacks are unpatriotic? LOL Gee what a fun thread this has been to read tonight...not {nm} Dorfman Jan 11, 19:32

Which means what?? Whites are racists and blacks are unpatriotic? LOL Gee what a fun thread this has been to read tonight...not {nm} Dorfman Jan 11, 19:32

I would love to continue to feed the troll, but I have run out of righteous indignation. {nm} Initech Jan 11, 19:36

Happily NOT going to read any of the above :-) {nm} JMT-NL Jan 11, 23:38

It took me a while to read all last night. Some was quite humorous.. Most just childish. Course I can't really say much about childish Dorfman Jan 12, 05:35

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