HSX Forum


MovieStock Adjusts for New Moon, The Blind Side, Planet 51

Posted by: Antibody on Nov 22, 11:07


The Twilight Saga: New Moon [TWLI2]
Halted: H$272.86
Weekend: $140.7M
Adjusted: H$379.89

The Blind Side [BLDSD]
Halted: H$40.61
Weekend: $34.51M
Adjusted: H$93.18

Planet 51 [PLT51]
Halted: H$38.37
Weekend: $12.6M
Adjusted: H$34.02

Tag(s): TWLI2, BLDSD, PLT51

Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 12786 5.36 (+0.02)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 2278 30.58 (0.00)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 1348 5.36 (+0.02)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 5000 81.01 (+1.01)          Passion of the Christ 2: The Res (RESUR) 12000 30.57 (0.00)          The Dish aka Untitled Event Film (SKIES) 65557 109.69 (+0.50)          Wolfs (WOLFS) 40000 6.30 (-0.11)          Karate Kid (KKID2) 150000 115.01 (+0.33)          The Bad Guys 2 (TBAD2) 150000 70.91 (+0.49)          Thanksgiving 2 (THNK2) 39999 18.61 (-0.02)          Three Bags Full: A Sheep Detecti (3BAGF) 502 31.59 (0.00)          William Tell (WITEL) 150000 8.27 (+0.57)          William Tell (WITEL) 150000 8.27 (+0.57)          Midnight (MDNIT) 150000 8.16 (+0.69)          Midnight (MDNIT) 150000 8.16 (+0.69)          Unstoppable (USTPB) 10000 22.46 (+0.06)          The Crow (TCROW) 50000 9.45 (-0.02)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 150000 235.37 (-0.57)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 150000 235.37 (-0.57)          2073 (2073) 30000 1.96 (+0.15)          Thanksgiving 2 (THNK2) 39999 18.61 (-0.02)          Now You See Me 3 (NYSM3) 40000 33.61 (+0.09)          Armor Wars (ARMWR) 30000 56.40 (-0.03)