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THR: writer Adele Lim left [CRAS2] due to pay dispute; studio is scrambling for a late 2020 shoot.
Posted by: Antibody on Sep 04, 08:22
Tag(s): CRAS2
THR: writer Adele Lim left [CRAS2] due to pay dispute; studio is scrambling for a late 2020 shoot. Antibody Sep 04, 08:22
and now it sounds like they're way behind schedule with all of the original cast members' careers blowing up in the meantime {nm} salt water redneck Sep 04, 09:48
It would probably be cheaper to pay her than all the scramblin', but oh well, studios. {nm} CSBD Sep 04, 12:31
reading between the lines, it also sounds like they have a bigger tug of war going on about just how faithful to the books to be versus the salt water redneck Sep 04, 14:13
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