HSX Forum


Variety has a list of the movies premiering at TIFF. I'm listing the movies that don't already have US dates. It's a long list.

Posted by: Paul2k on Jul 24, 05:25

World Premieres:

Jayne Mansfield's Car [JAMCR]

The Place Beyond the Pines [TPBTP]

Great Expectations [GREXP]

Company You Keep [COYKP]

Thanks for Sharing [THFSH]

Imogene [IMOGN]

A Late Quartet [ALQRT]

Much Ado About Nothing [MUADO]

Writers [WRITR]

At Any Price [HRTLN]

Byzantium [BYZAN]

Quartet [QUTET]

mr Pip (as noted yesterday)

To The Wonder [UTMAL]

The Iceman [ICEMA]

The Sapphires [SAPHR]




Variety has a list of the movies premiering at TIFF. I'm listing the movies that don't already have US dates. It's a long list. Paul2k Jul 24, 05:25

Correct tag [JMCAR] {nm} slappydavid Jul 24, 05:44

Thanks for the fix, slappy. Although, a Jam Car sounds interesting too. {nm} Paul2k Jul 24, 06:14

TIFF premiere [MRPIP] - wasn't tagged yesterday. {nm} Antibody Jul 24, 09:53

D'oh. Curse my failing memory. Thanks for catching that. {nm} Paul2k Jul 24, 12:50

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