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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (BEET2) 149999 237.78 (-0.99)          Horizon: An American Saga Chapte (HORZ2) 1 22.25 (0.00)          Cleopatra (CLEOP) 25000 46.44 (-0.96)          Singham Again (SNGH3) 99 1.60 (0.00)          Welcome to the Jungle (WLCM3) 1 1.91 (0.00)          Spider-Man Untitled (SPID9) 3 314.94 (0.00)          Just Cause (JCAUS) 98 2.20 (0.00)          Bugonia aka Save the Green Plane (STGPL) 1 19.55 (+0.02)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 99 24.92 (0.00)          Megalopolis H$10 Call (MEGAL.CA) 20000 1.93 (-0.07)          Nightbitch (NTBTC) 1 9.32 (0.00)          Megalopolis H$10 Call (MEGAL.CA) 20000 1.93 (-0.07)          A Big Bold Beautiful Journey (ABBBJ) 3 36.79 (0.00)          Downton Abbey 3 (DWTA3) 2 30.52 (0.00)          In the Grey aka Untitled Guy Rit (NGREY) 4 25.46 (0.00)          Inheritance (NHTNC) 10 2.85 (+0.01)          Inheritance (NHTNC) 149851 2.85 (+0.01)          You Gotta Believe (YGBLV) 4 1.41 (0.00)          Untitled Ryan Coogler Event Movi (URCEM) 4 74.95 (0.00)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 149851 2.38 (+0.01)          The Choral (CHORL) 4 2.86 (0.00)          Take My Hand (TAKMH) 6 0.82 (0.00)          Lilo & Stitch (LILST) 150000 83.10 (-0.33)          Cleopatra (CLEOP) 150000 46.44 (-0.96)          Cleopatra (CLEOP) 150000 46.44 (-0.96)          The Wild Robot H$30 Put (TWRBT.PU) 15000 1.96 (-0.04)          The Wild Robot H$30 Put (TWRBT.PU) 15000 1.96 (-0.04)          Megalopolis H$10 Call (MEGAL.CA) 15000 1.93 (-0.07)          Megalopolis H$10 Call (MEGAL.CA) 15000 1.93 (-0.07)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 8.90 (+0.40)          William Tell (WITEL) 10000 8.90 (+0.40)          Anora (ANORA) 150000 5.70 (-0.03)          The Wild Robot - Opening Weekend (TWRBT.OW) 5000 30.00 (0.00)          The Wild Robot H$30 Call (TWRBT.CA) 25000 2.02 (+0.02)          Planes, Trains and Automobiles (PTAUT) 100000 15.44 (-0.11)          The Wild Robot H$30 Put (TWRBT.PU) 25000 1.96 (-0.04)          The Crow (TCROW) 10000 9.29 (0.00)          The Mandalorian & Grogu (SWAR3) 3000 215.21 (+0.01)          Is This Thing On? (ISTON) 100 19.45 (-0.02)          Megalopolis - Opening Weekend (MEGAL.OW) 10000 9.95 (-0.05)          Is This Thing On? (ISTON) 100 19.45 (-0.02)          William Tell (WITEL) 1000 8.90 (+0.40)          The Mandalorian & Grogu (SWAR3) 999 215.21 (+0.01)          Megalopolis H$10 Call (MEGAL.CA) 25000 1.93 (-0.07)          William Tell (WITEL) 1000 8.90 (+0.40)          Megalopolis (MEGAL) 150000 20.68 (-0.43)          Bagman - Opening Weekend (BAGMA.OW) 10000 5.00 (0.00)          Get Away (GAWAY) 25000 1.96 (-0.04)          The Mandalorian & Grogu (SWAR3) 1 215.21 (+0.01)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 1 417.84 (0.00)