V: WICKD $19.2M $2.5 million from Monday showings, $5.7 million from Wednesday advances and $11 million on Thursday. Nov 22, 07:44
GLAD2 $6.5 million in Thursday previews Nov 22, 07:44
Now that’s a tough IM to figure out Nov 22, 08:13
Seriously. I'm feeling short on Wicked is the safer bet... unless it brings in a ton of repeat business. {nm} Nov 22, 08:27
You haven't seen the dressing up as characters & singing along fan hordes? They won't stop at one visit. Nov 22, 09:11
Yes. There were about a dozen at my theater treating like a Rocky Horror experience. I wasn't expecting that! {nm} Nov 22, 09:41
I am just worried MOANA 2 is going to slaughter it everything is going to get pushed down to give MOANA prime screens. {nm} Nov 22, 10:04
At least WICKED was already squeezed by GLADIATOR 2 so it already didn't get IMAX screens (for the most part) {nm} Nov 22, 10:06
Looks like 6.5 x 19.2 will be closer {nm} Nov 22, 18:10