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Sonic the Hedgehog 3 H$70 Call (SONC3.CA) 25000 3.15 (+0.18)          Mufasa: The Lion King H$70 Call (LION2.CA) 25000 3.43 (+0.26)          The Authority (AUTHO) 20000 32.20 (+0.03)          The Gallerist (GALRS) 331 17.94 (+0.04)          The Tree (TTREE) 30000 1.96 (+0.01)          Sunflower (SFLWR) 4000 9.68 (+0.01)          Joni MItchell biopic (JONIM) 150000 18.00 (0.00)          The Freshening (FRSHN) 4000 8.28 (+0.01)          Every Note Played (EVNTP) 20000 1.08 (+0.01)          Joni MItchell biopic (JONIM) 150000 18.00 (0.00)          Scream 7 aka Scream VII (SCRM7) 10000 48.73 (+0.01)          A Life of Jesus (ALJES) 2000 15.00 (+0.02)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 19.40 (+0.02)          Wife & Dog (WIFDG) 147016 19.41 (+1.41)          Sugar Bandits (SUGBN) 2000 23.37 (+0.02)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 10000 37.06 (+0.29)          Joni MItchell biopic (JONIM) 100000 18.00 (0.00)          Playdate (PLYDT) 2000 10.85 (+0.02)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 150000 17.05 (+1.43)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.86 (+0.02)          Saw XI aka Saw 11 (SAW11) 10000 29.80 (+0.04)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 150000 17.05 (+1.43)          Wife & Dog (WIFDG) 150000 19.41 (+1.41)          Gravity Rush (GRVTR) 2000 15.94 (+0.02)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 2000 15.40 (+0.02)          Eternity (ETERN) 2000 12.07 (+0.02)          The Carnival at the End of Days (CAEOD) 2000 15.08 (+0.02)          The Authority (AUTHO) 2000 32.20 (+0.03)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 2000 21.79 (+0.04)          Stuntnuts: The Movie (STUNT) 2000 20.83 (+0.06)          Marty Supreme (MRTSU) 2000 14.11 (+0.06)          Bring Her Back (BRNHB) 2000 15.36 (+0.06)          The Prosecutor (PRSCT) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 100 253.46 (-0.02)          Joni MItchell biopic (JONIM) 42001 18.00 (0.00)          Joni MItchell biopic (JONIM) 150000 18.00 (0.00)          Rock'em Sock'em Robots (RMSMR) 1 9.39 (0.00)          Boner aka Rise (VIAGR) 3000 4.58 (-0.01)          The Shrinking of Treehorn (TSOTH) 5000 2.25 (-0.01)          The Pack (TPACK) 2000 9.66 (-0.01)          The Giant's House (TGNTH) 2000 5.02 (-0.01)          Power Rangers (PWRNG) 2000 5.85 (-0.01)          Just Watch Me (JUSWM) 2000 5.75 (-0.01)          By All (BYALL) 4000 3.63 (-0.01)          Until Dawn (UDAWN) 1000 23.36 (-0.04)          The Purge 6 (PURG6) 1000 10.15 (-0.02)          Hypno-Hustler (HYPHU) 1000 16.93 (-0.02)          Ready or Not 2 (RONO2) 5000 16.07 (-0.04)          Night Has Fallen (HFAL4) 4000 3.77 (-0.02)          Spider-Woman (SPDWM) 1000 33.08 (-0.03)