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I can take part of the blame, if there is to be any. I sent RH a note about the league posts, because...

Posted by: edzep on Feb 20, 16:07 in response to RotoHockeyYTD2012's post The Roto Strongly Disagrees With The Heavy-Handed...

I knew that if there was anything interesting to find out, he would find it out. I don't belong to a bunch of leagues, so couldn't go poking in to see what other posts were made (and, joining to find out, just leaves your league home page cluttered after you're done, and quit). Let's face it, we all like a good story, and, credit where due, RazorHawk has the instincts and tenacity of a reporter.

The Roto Strongly Disagrees With The Heavy-Handed Hammering Of armydude441. RotoHockeyYTD2012 Feb 20, 08:24

+1 {nm} PaulBuxton2011 Feb 20, 08:34

What are you responding to? {nm} grammar Feb 20, 08:56

This article on HSX Dude RogerMore Feb 20, 08:58

Ah .. thanks. {nm} grammar Feb 20, 09:13

This is best dealt with by Armydude441 himself. If he feels he has been unfairly treated, he should take it up with HSX staff. Who's to grammar Feb 20, 09:34

And frankly, this should be dealt with via Email to hsec@hsx.com not on a message board or someone's blog. {nm} TheWeekendWarrior Feb 20, 12:12

Seems difficult to gauge without knowing whether more than one portfolio is involved.{nm} DTXbro Feb 20, 09:46

If another Port was involved, that should have been mentioned. It wasn't. {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2012 Feb 20, 09:51

The HSXdude wouldn't know the complete story. {nm} grammar Feb 20, 09:58

Which is why he shouldn't post it at all. {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Feb 20, 13:46

This is best dealt with publicly as there is a fundamental education problem at its roots. RotoHockeyYTD2012 Feb 20, 09:49

Getting your pants pulled down on a cold winter day at recess in front of your high school crush is humiliating. I'm not sure this qualifies {nm} PRodQuanta Feb 20, 09:57

I'd suggest dealing with it in the comments section of the HSX Dude's then. {nm} RogerMore Feb 20, 10:05

Who made him Judge Judy and Executioner? TheWeekendWarrior Feb 20, 12:13

I think I have the same broader concerns about public shaming by a private blog as you do. But I think if someone's unhappy about something RogerMore Feb 20, 13:06

...or in the support and FEEDBACK section. {nm} PVL Admin Feb 20, 11:33

I can take part of the blame, if there is to be any. I sent RH a note about the league posts, because... edzep Feb 20, 16:07

He also has the sense, respect and clout that if he thinks there is something worth pointing out, he's usually right. {nm} PVL Admin Feb 20, 17:32

Knowledge Is Good -- Emil Faber {nm} DTXbro Feb 20, 17:45

Absolutely ridiculous, and uncalled for. armydude441 Feb 20, 19:29

Also, why do you think a 10mil port is being crucified on this guys website? Get a life. {nm} armydude441 Feb 20, 19:31

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