HSX Forum


BLumhouse or scary movie fund; exotic locale or globetrotting fund {nm}

Posted by: bennyg1985 on Dec 04, 12:14 in response to Wilderness_Journey's post Any thoughts on a new movie fund you’d like to see?...

Any thoughts on a new movie fund you’d like to see? I’m thinking about running a fund. {nm} Wilderness_Journey Dec 03, 20:12

Netflix Fund. Start at $100 and go to $0 {nm} doitdoitdoitnow Dec 03, 20:20

Independent Studio Fund. LaForza Dec 03, 20:53

+1 - Great Idea {nm} albrown Dec 03, 21:01

I've wanted to do it, but I know that I'm too new and I just won't be able to do it right. {nm} LaForza Dec 03, 21:05

Unfortunately I'm not really familiar with all the indies that are out there. {nm} Wilderness_Journey Dec 04, 08:59

We had that before but it looks like it's been 8 yrs. .. https://www.hsx.com/security/view/INDIE {nm} jdolphin Dec 03, 21:35

Awesome---we need more funds. {nm} durf Dec 04, 10:24

Has there ever been a "The Rock" fund, for Dwayne Johnson projects, lol, or any "Prolific Artists" fund? {nm} Wilderness_Journey Dec 04, 10:31

The Hardest Working Fund Antibody Dec 04, 10:38

it used to be The Next ASCHW Fund, but now it's just The Next TCRUI Fund {nm} slipping jimmy Dec 04, 10:39

If one wanted to do something like this again, how would you do that kind of advanced search (Starbonds with 20+ listed films) {nm} Wilderness_Journey Dec 04, 11:18

I asked Kaigee and he very kindly scraped the data for me. (Then I had to keep it updated) {nm} RogerMore Dec 04, 11:48

Eligible StarBonds are still on the fund page. {nm} Antibody Dec 04, 11:51

Tiffany Haddish fund. She is in every thing. Or a Tyler perry fund. {nm} Choray911 Dec 04, 11:13

#METOO fund {nm} Choray911 Dec 04, 11:13

BLumhouse or scary movie fund; exotic locale or globetrotting fund {nm} bennyg1985 Dec 04, 12:14

Ooh, I like those too. {nm} Wilderness_Journey Dec 04, 13:15

is there a Horror Fund? Rishoutfield Dec 04, 19:54

I had the DISN Fund many years ago shipwreckedcrew Dec 04, 23:57

Mexican Director fund {nm} andy007 Dec 05, 15:25

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Jehanne d'Arc (JDARC) 34000 28.91 (-0.05)          Horizon: An American Saga Chapte (HORZ2) 2000 19.17 (-0.02)          The Last Train From Hiroshima (TLTFH) 4032 37.92 (-0.04)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Eleanor the Great (ELANO) 150000 5.56 (+0.05)          The Wager (WAGER) 36000 23.35 (+0.02)          Desert Warrior (DSRTW) 150000 0.75 (0.00)          Dracula - A Love Tale (DRALT) 150000 10.49 (-0.12)          Rainbow Six (RNBW6) 1000 17.74 (-0.02)          Rainbow Six (RNBW6) 2000 17.74 (-0.02)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 1 20.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 80 20.00 (0.00)          Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy (BJON4) 150000 0.04 (-0.06)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Riddick: Furya (RIDC3) 35000 9.27 (-0.02)          The Amateur (AMTUR) 150000 43.47 (-0.20)          The Wager (WAGER) 36000 23.35 (+0.02)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 1 6.03 (+1.45)          Baby Driver 2 (BDRV2) 1000 7.08 (-0.02)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 1 6.03 (+1.45)          Friendship (FNSHP) 149975 8.30 (+0.58)          Balls Up (BALUP) 149975 28.54 (+0.26)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 149975 229.03 (+1.02)          Distant (DISTN) 38000 6.11 (0.00)          The Memory Police (TMEMP) 656 9.14 (-0.06)          Bermuda (BTRIA) 38000 2.53 (+0.03)          Jurassic World Rebirth (JURA7) 149975 288.38 (-1.47)          Dirty Dancing sequel (DANC3) 38000 25.66 (+0.05)          Distant (DISTN) 38000 6.11 (0.00)          Bermuda (BTRIA) 38000 2.53 (+0.03)          Becoming Led Zeppelin (BLZEP) 150000 7.40 (-0.57)          Werwulf (WERWU) 150000 48.28 (-4.85)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Dirty Dancing sequel (DANC3) 2000 25.66 (+0.05)          Becoming Led Zeppelin (BLZEP) 150000 7.40 (-0.57)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Creed IV (CREE4) 42000 44.56 (+0.03)          Sicario 3 (SICA3) 150000 7.32 (+0.67)          Keira Knightley (KKNIG) 1000 26.89 (-0.13)          Kate Mara (KMARA) 1 47.30 (0.00)          Grand Theft Hamlet (GTHAM) 150000 0.25 (+0.03)          Grand Theft Hamlet (GTHAM) 149997 0.25 (+0.03)          Paddington in Peru (PADT3) 150000 44.13 (-1.11)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 20.00 (0.00)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 129990 160.69 (+1.70)          I’m Still Here (IMSHR) 150000 4.05 (-0.70)          I’m Still Here (IMSHR) 150000 4.05 (-0.70)          Jack Dylan Grazer (JDGRA) 25000 87.52 (-0.25)